* Issue 32: Add logging around large DCC messages to facilitate troubleshooting. * Issue 31: Fix error in connection wrapper for SSL example.
* Issue 28: Fix TypeError in version calculation in irc.bot CTCP version.
* Updated DCC send and receive scripts (Issue 27).
* Fix timestamp support in ``schedule.DelayedCommand`` construction.
* ``irc.client.NickMask`` is now a Unicode object on Python 2. Fixes issue reported in pull request 19. * Issue 24: Added `DCCConnection.send_bytes` for transmitting binary data. `privmsg` remains to support transmitting text.
* Code base now runs natively on Python 2 and Python 3, but requires `six <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/six>`_ to be installed. * Issue 25: Rate-limiting has been updated to be finer grained (preventing bursts exceeding the limit following idle periods).