* Added `connection` module with a Factory for creating socket connections.
* Added `connect_factory` parameter to the ServerConnection.
It's now possible to create connections with custom SSL parameters or other
socket wrappers. For example, to create a connection with a custom SSL cert::
import ssl
import irc.client
import irc.connection
import functools
irc = irc.client.IRC()
server = irc.server()
wrapper = functools.partial(ssl.wrap_socket, ssl_cert=my_cert())
server.connect(connect_factory = irc.connection.Factory(wrapper=wrapper))
With this release, many of the parameters to `ServerConnection.connect` are
now deprecated:
- localaddress
- localport
- ssl
- ipv6
Instead, one should pass the appropriate values to a `connection.Factory`
instance and pass that factory to the .connect method. Backwards-compatibility
will be maintained for these parameters until the release of irc 4.0.