- feat: major refactor of tags classes so that they inherit from each other
- cleaner code :)
- feat: start on `isitfit tags suggest --advanced` that uploads ec2 names for further advanced processing
- this currently successfully uploads csv to s3 and waits on sqs, but nothing is listening ATM to reply
- now that I have 2 endpoints (`register` and `tags/suggest`), I'm trying to get the suggest endpoint to function (ie start listening)
- fix sqs messages reading and factored out base url
- enh: bucket name in tags suggest advanced to be from register output
- bugfix: tempfile suffix to include the "."
- bugfix: upload of csv fixed. Was only saving filename, now saving dataframe
- bugfix: download of result of advanced tag suggestion was not properly downloading
- enh: more --debug output
- enh: start using "schema" package similar to isitfit-server
- enh: add to readme the `isitfit tags suggest --advanced` feature, with a link to the privacy policy
- bugfix: skip messages in sqs queue that are not for tags suggest and auto-drop stale ones (eg from before the request timing)
- bugfix: raise error on 0 ec2 instances when `isitfit tags suggest [--advanced]`
- enh: stderr message showing "enabled debug level"