
Latest version: v0.20.11

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- feat: redshift clusters cost analysis/optimization (no redis caching)
- bugfix: test for apiman was not properly mocking the requests


- enh: move apiman.register.schemaValidation to apiman.request since all responses from isitfit-api will match the general schema
- enh: add treat 'registration in progress' in the apiman.request function
- bugfix: `isitfit tags suggest --advanced` had a bug in checking that registration was ok
- enh: add `apiman.r_body` as shortcut


- enh: set expiry to 1 day on redis cached items if data found, otherwise 10 minutes for missing data
- bugfix: progress bar to start from 0 not from 1 to avoid issue of "101 items" at end when only "100 items" available
- enh: show number of instances for which missing cloudwatch/cloudtrail data
- enh: add link to github issues in display footer function
- enh: installation docs in readme expanded for newcomers


- hotfix: `isitfit cost optimize` borks when an ec2 has no tags and not even a name. Addresses 8


- hotfix: ping matomo stats on exception IsitfitCliError


- bugfix: change handling of `registration in progress` to be not via exception
- this is so that the `tags_suggest.advanced` can check `r_register` and see that the last code was `registration in progress` and re-trigger registration
- enh: split out `baseMan.BASE_URL` into `BASE_{HOST,PREFIX}` to allow for testing against dev API
- enh: use tabulate in showing resources to which user is granted access
- bugfix: `apiman.request` treating response is now `if/elif` instead of `if... if...`
- enh: add `` to facilitate testing against API

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