There are some versioning problems. Bumping it to 1.0.0 might solve
this. ([`508d353`](
* feat: publish to testpypi and add auto versioning
Add automatic versioning using semantic-release and integrate it in ci.
Push the build to testpypi. ([`311a0cf`](
* fix: version_variable path ([`8496d5a`](
* fix: change semantic-version source to commit ([`160d5f6`](
* fix: typo ([`8b09872`](
* fix: bump version ([`aeaecb7`](
* fix: typo ([`9b6a6fb`](
* fix: build wheel only once
Previously, the CD built the wheel two times, but this doesn&39;t work well
with semantic-release. ([`1e358f3`](
* fix: empty commit for version bump
using version_source = &34;tag&34; ([`ea2df21`](
* fix: specify semantic-release version_variable
Because it is needed for semantic-release. ([`554ada3`](
* fix: force bump tag to v0.5.1
Problems with versioning. ([`806cd39`](
* fix: empty commit to trigger build
Previous gh action could not complete, because main branch was
protected. This is turned off temporarily for testing purposes. ([`90609d2`](
* fix: pip install python-semantic-release in ci-cd
ci-cd needs semantic-release to do automatic version bumping. ([`f552eb6`](
* merge from origin ([`9d9828b`](
* Merge pull request 21 from siemdejong/localization
add translation support and translations ([`e959e7d`](
* add translation support and translations ([`86267d7`](
* bump version ([`7b042ee`](
* add bleed and cropmarks ([`5848f2b`](
* fix readme typo ([`700eed3`](
* bump version ([`37e9f9a`](
* Merge branch &39;fix-back&39; into pypi ([`fad2c9c`](
* fix positioning of back items ([`c2bce0e`](
* Merge branch &39;main&39; into pypi ([`a98156f`](
* bump version ([`3fe5677`](
* add arg groups ([`120412e`](
* Merge branch &39;main&39; into pypi ([`0411854`](
* Merge pull request 15 from siemdejong/optional-images-back
Include placeholder images for the back ([`59f336a`](
* bump to 0.2.0 ([`3626c06`](
* package images on back ([`d906e5b`](
* fix relative import ([`52844b2`](
* Merge pull request 14 from siemdejong/concurrency
Concurrently plot the cards with multiple workers ([`013d453`](
* Change usageCLI to reflect workers/chunks ([`ed48611`](
* add deletion of PyPDF2 variable if imported ([`770168d`](
* move to tqdm.contrib.concurrent ([`b2f7591`](
* use ([`65df0ae`](
* Fix typo ([`9873a8d`](
* Make current working directory the default of input_dir if not specified (13)
* fix relative import
* make input_dir an optional positional argument
* Add help for defaults cli ([`397c8e5`](
* Pypi (12)
* apply isort and black
* add setuptools configuration
* add testpypi CI
* fix typo
* fix typo
* fix typo
* fix typo
* include font with sdist/bdist ([`a83d7d8`](
* include font with sdist/bdist ([`267b49f`](
* fix typo ([`7029b8e`](
* fix typo ([`37b487c`](
* fix typo ([`6898286`](
* fix typo ([`2c0030d`](
* add testpypi CI ([`35c50e8`](
* add setuptools configuration ([`eb0e9dc`](
* apply isort and black ([`90f50c0`](
* Merge branch &39;main&39; of ([`49ab9b6`](
* align misery description and fit font size ([`0e881a7`](
* align misery description and fit font size ([`3b83218`](
* sort merged pdfs ([`55519c0`](
* add pdf merge ([`3e340f2`](
* move to main function ([`88a3545`](
* add user interface ([`64bd926`](
* add misery index block ([`50bc649`](
* add outputs folder ([`2375498`](
* fix broken link ([`099fee2`](
* add readme ([`d980c06`](
* Create LICENSE ([`0a48ce8`](
* initial commit ([`e524ae3`](
* add opensans font ([`2b624dd`](