* fix: remove gettext from project
Internationalization made it hard to maintain this package.
Therefore, we remove gettext from the project.
BREAKING CHANGE: no internationalization anymore ([`e05747c`](
* fix: remove gettext from project
Internationalization made it hard to maintain this package.
Therefore, we remove gettext from the project.
BREAKING CHANGE: no internationalization anymore ([`6d74173`](
* fix: package opensans and expose to api
We include Open Sans as a fixed dependency (no submodule).
We use matplotlib style file for selecting Open Sans as font. ([`e9ddd92`](
* Merge pull request 51 from siemdejong/no-gettext
fix: remove gettext from project ([`311ec27`](
* Merge pull request 50 from siemdejong/no-gettext
fix: remove gettext from project ([`1878088`](