Now runs kmc in multi-threaded mode by default. To force kmc to use one thread, use the new option --kmc_onethread.
- add --test option to run on test data - enforce samtools version at least 0.1.19
- Bug fix for iva_qc_make_db --add_to_ref - Installation easier. Now requires pyfastaq version >= 3.10.0, which no longer depends on numpy.
Important bug fix with libraries without overlapping reads, where contig ends were too aggressively trimmed. Defaults now handle both overlapping (ie fragment length <= 2 x read length) and non-overlapping (ie fragment length > 2 x readlength) libraries.
Default value of max_insert changed from 500 to 800.
Bug fixes: - reads input file could be invalid and IVA would try to assemble anyway - now dies more gracefully when no contigs made.
Bug fixes: - stop trying to repeatedly reuse the same seed sequence - stop writing tiny contig to final output file