New Features
Scaffolding support
- Creating new projects from scratch. Each project is able to offer one or more skeletons.
- These "origin" projects can be available locally or can be auto-cloned from a remote repository (*GIT* only at the moment)
- Skeletons might have placeholders which are dynamically replaced with custom values e.g. name of the project.
- The placeholder format is defined as `$${name}` to reduce conflicts with existing templating solutions
- File patcher can handle non UTF-8 files and supports detection of binary files
- Skeletons are able to define configuration questions to the user (`ask()`, `set()`)
- Stores configuration values as *YAML* (`jasyscript.yaml`) or *JSON* (`jasyscript.json`).
- Questions can be answered interactively via prompt or passed in as command line arguments (`--key value`).
- Questions can be combined with custom logic when using a custom post-creation script (`jasycreate.py`).
- The custom script also has user friendly methods for renaming files, creating directories etc. (via `file` object)
- Questions support type checks (basics like `String`, `Number`, etc.)
- Questions are able to define default values.
- All fields can use namespace notation (namespace.key as a field name) to create a structured configuration file.
Integrated web server
- Based on *CherryPy*
- Supports configurable custom top-level routing (i.e. route requests from: /src/target to: /destination/folder/target)
- Delivers static files from the file system
- Automatically adds *CORS* header to every response so that the *Jasy* based server could be accessed from other domains/hosts.
- Supports remapping local paths to different paths on the server
- Proxying remote URLs (avoiding cross-domain oddities)
- Caching remote *GET* requests and deliver them locally.
- Additional offline mode omits proxying of requests which are not available in the local cache.
Shared tooling libraries
- Allows projects to offer tooling features to other projects (via `jasylibrary.py`)
- Using `"share"` decorator to only share specific methods to the outside
- All shared methods from each project are namespaced under an object with the name of the project.
- Added auto-installing non-native dependencies (*Pygments*, *polib*, *requests*, *CherryPy*, *PyYAML*)
- Kept dependencies containing native code optional (*Misaka*, *PIL*)
- Added support for *YAML* throughthrough *Jasy* for config files and others (jasyproject.yaml)
- Added nice `about` task showing version, copyright and homepage
- Added support for showing optional task arguments in *Jasy*'s help screen
- Added support for "built-in" tasks to be able to execute jasy without actually having a *Jasy* project ready to use.
- Added [Travis.ci integration](http://travis-ci.org/!/zynga/jasy) for testing scaffolding support (and more later on).
- [WIP] Started implementation of file system watcher to allow auto rebuilding based on file system changes
- Based on Watchdog with [custom port for Python 3](https://github.com/wpbasti/watchdog) - still broken regarding *FSEvents* on *Mac OS * unfortunately
Improvements & Fixes
- Tasks documentation is now being implemented using doc strings on the function blocks instead of a custom string inside the `task()` decorator.
- Improved `jasy` script to allow built-in tasks (execution outside of any *Jasy* project)
- Better error handling in `jasyscript.py` and other scripts indirectly executed by *Jasy* by setting a correct file name during `compile`for debugging.
- *Jasy* options and parameters on help screen are sorted now.
- Fixed issues with missing `pkg_resources` when installing *Python on Mac* via standard (python.org) distribution
- Moved `jasy` script and prefix handling into Task module.
- Removed dependency and usage references to msgpack (never actually used anywhere in the code)
- Correctly close all `jasycache` files even if not managed by the session when *Jasy* is closed/crashed.
- Switched over from `distutils` to `distribute` for `setup.py`.
- Install `.bat` files on *Windows* only.
- Added optional support for hashing keys of `Cache` object transparently to reduce key sizes
- Added new `jasy.core.Config` class for transparently supporting *JSON*/*YAML* formats with correct Unicode handling
- Added new module `jasy.core.File` for simplifying typical unix like file system operations (`cp`, `mv`, `mkdir`, ...)
- Reworked `jasy.core.Project` to use new `jasy.core.Config` class instead of custom config file loading.
- Added `jasy.core.Types` for a collection of new types to work with. First added type is a `CaseInsensitiveDict` which is useful for dealing with *HTTP* headers.
- Added new utility methods to `jasy.core.Util`:
- `debounce` (useful for debouncing method calls)
- `getFirstSubFolder` (returns the first sub folder in the given path)
- `massFilePatcher` (is able to patch placeholders in all files of the given directory with actual content)