
Latest version: v1.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 688896 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New Features

Scaffolding support

- Creating new projects from scratch. Each project is able to offer one or more skeletons.
- These "origin" projects can be available locally or can be auto-cloned from a remote repository (*GIT* only at the moment)
- Skeletons might have placeholders which are dynamically replaced with custom values e.g. name of the project.
- The placeholder format is defined as `$${name}` to reduce conflicts with existing templating solutions
- File patcher can handle non UTF-8 files and supports detection of binary files
- Skeletons are able to define configuration questions to the user (`ask()`, `set()`)
- Stores configuration values as *YAML* (`jasyscript.yaml`) or *JSON* (`jasyscript.json`).
- Questions can be answered interactively via prompt or passed in as command line arguments (`--key value`).
- Questions can be combined with custom logic when using a custom post-creation script (`jasycreate.py`).
- The custom script also has user friendly methods for renaming files, creating directories etc. (via `file` object)
- Questions support type checks (basics like `String`, `Number`, etc.)
- Questions are able to define default values.
- All fields can use namespace notation (namespace.key as a field name) to create a structured configuration file.

Integrated web server

- Based on *CherryPy*
- Supports configurable custom top-level routing (i.e. route requests from: /src/target to: /destination/folder/target)
- Delivers static files from the file system
- Automatically adds *CORS* header to every response so that the *Jasy* based server could be accessed from other domains/hosts.
- Supports remapping local paths to different paths on the server
- Proxying remote URLs (avoiding cross-domain oddities)
- Caching remote *GET* requests and deliver them locally.
- Additional offline mode omits proxying of requests which are not available in the local cache.

Shared tooling libraries
- Allows projects to offer tooling features to other projects (via `jasylibrary.py`)
- Using `"share"` decorator to only share specific methods to the outside
- All shared methods from each project are namespaced under an object with the name of the project.


- Added auto-installing non-native dependencies (*Pygments*, *polib*, *requests*, *CherryPy*, *PyYAML*)
- Kept dependencies containing native code optional (*Misaka*, *PIL*)
- Added support for *YAML* throughthrough *Jasy* for config files and others (jasyproject.yaml)
- Added nice `about` task showing version, copyright and homepage
- Added support for showing optional task arguments in *Jasy*'s help screen
- Added support for "built-in" tasks to be able to execute jasy without actually having a *Jasy* project ready to use.
- Added [Travis.ci integration](http://travis-ci.org/!/zynga/jasy) for testing scaffolding support (and more later on).
- [WIP] Started implementation of file system watcher to allow auto rebuilding based on file system changes
- Based on Watchdog with [custom port for Python 3](https://github.com/wpbasti/watchdog) - still broken regarding *FSEvents* on *Mac OS * unfortunately

Improvements & Fixes

- Tasks documentation is now being implemented using doc strings on the function blocks instead of a custom string inside the `task()` decorator.
- Improved `jasy` script to allow built-in tasks (execution outside of any *Jasy* project)
- Better error handling in `jasyscript.py` and other scripts indirectly executed by *Jasy* by setting a correct file name during `compile`for debugging.
- *Jasy* options and parameters on help screen are sorted now.
- Fixed issues with missing `pkg_resources` when installing *Python on Mac* via standard (python.org) distribution
- Moved `jasy` script and prefix handling into Task module.
- Removed dependency and usage references to msgpack (never actually used anywhere in the code)
- Correctly close all `jasycache` files even if not managed by the session when *Jasy* is closed/crashed.
- Switched over from `distutils` to `distribute` for `setup.py`.
- Install `.bat` files on *Windows* only.


- Added optional support for hashing keys of `Cache` object transparently to reduce key sizes
- Added new `jasy.core.Config` class for transparently supporting *JSON*/*YAML* formats with correct Unicode handling
- Added new module `jasy.core.File` for simplifying typical unix like file system operations (`cp`, `mv`, `mkdir`, ...)
- Reworked `jasy.core.Project` to use new `jasy.core.Config` class instead of custom config file loading.
- Added `jasy.core.Types` for a collection of new types to work with. First added type is a `CaseInsensitiveDict` which is useful for dealing with *HTTP* headers.
- Added new utility methods to `jasy.core.Util`:
- `debounce` (useful for debouncing method calls)
- `getFirstSubFolder` (returns the first sub folder in the given path)
- `massFilePatcher` (is able to patch placeholders in all files of the given directory with actual content)



- Added option to disable syntax highlighting in API data via `ApiWriter().write("data", highlight=True/False)`



- Fixed issues with correctly loading cache file on some systems
- Revamped project initialization phase to be more efficient and logical while displaying a nice dependency tree during init.
- Improved version detection and handling inside `Session`/`Project`
- Internal Repository API is now less Git specific
- Made error reporting for API errors optional on console using new "printErrors" parameter in `Writer.write()`
- Improved error message output when invalid parameters are used



- Improved support for deep object documentation (e.g. defining a parameter x which is a map with the keys foo and bar)
- Improved comment processing: Made the text to HTML conversion lazy so that it is not done during parsing the class, but at generating API docs. Improves initial performance.
- Improved parsing/outdenting of code comments (comments which contain actual code) to not raise warnings
- Fixed detecting size of JPEGs directly saved via Photoshop
- Fixed output to log file
- Fixed `getProjectByName` to actually use the correct active session project and not simply the first found.
- Fixed project references in "requires" which uses shell shorthands like `~` for the home directory
- Fixed dependencies so that this release should really be the first which does not require any packages being installed (fixes comment parsing where we still have used Misaka in Jasy 0.7.2)



- Fix some issues with unused optimizer (SWFObject compilation)
- Added machine ID to verify cache is opened on same machine as created
- Some logging output improvements
- Further improved/fixed GIT support for edge cases
- Added debug logging of detailed shell output (Git only at the moment)



- Performance optimizations
- Improved logging output

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