- Completely revamped asset handling. See migration guide for hints on how calls in jasyscript.py need to be modified.
- Allow modular assets - moved out of kernel.js
- Improved internal structure of assets for better compression and faster lookup
- Support for multi profile assets (assets from different locations, roots and with different URL layouts)
- Support for image sprites and image animations based on configuration files
- Added information about asset types so that one can access this information on the client via core.io.Asset APIs.
- Added support for generating image sprites from source assets
- Revamped Jasy dependencies to make all dependencies optional (through disabling features). Makes initial installation of Jasy much easier. Added requirements.txt for easy installation of optional packages.
- Added support for omitting repository updates via "--fast"/"-f" option.
- Added help screen when no tasks were given and with "-h" option.
- Improved categorization of project's content into classes, assets, translations, etc.
- Improved GIT cloning/updating stability.
- Improved output during processing/parsing classes for better user feedback during long runs.
- Renamed formatting=>jsFormatting, optimization=>jsOptimization in preparation of new supported types.
- Added getSortedClasses() to Resolver to omit initializing Sorter() in jasyscript.py at all, making scripts simpler again.
- Improved some edge cases for better error handling. Throwing user friendly JasyError instead of plain Exception.
- Added new utility method getChecksum() to easily detect SHA1 checksum of files.
- Removed typically unused storeCombined() method.