- Fixed image variants slider in image mode - Fixed vision checkbox visibility - Fixed user directory path when handling different directories/symlinks - Added config option for disable opening image dialog after image generate - Added Scheduled tasks entry in taskbar dropdown - Added * (asterisk) indicator after date modified if newer than last indexed time - Date of modified in file explorer changed to format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
- Fixed: opening files and directories in Snap and Windows versions - Fixed: camera capture handling between mode switch - Added: info about snap connect camera in Snap version (if not connected) - Added: missing app/tray icon in compiled versions
- Fixed bug: history file clear on ctx remove - Issue [9](https://github.com/szczyglis-dev/py-gpt/issues/9) - Vision inline allowed in modes: Langchain and Chat with files (llama-index) - Event names moved to Event class
- Fixed bug: float inputs value update behaviour - Issue [8](https://github.com/szczyglis-dev/py-gpt/issues/8) - Added: plugin description tooltips - Issue [7](https://github.com/szczyglis-dev/py-gpt/issues/7) - Added: focus window on "New context..." in tray - Issue [13](https://github.com/szczyglis-dev/py-gpt/issues/13) - Added: Ask with screenshot option to tray menu - Issue [11](https://github.com/szczyglis-dev/py-gpt/issues/11) - Added: Open Notepad option to tray menu - Issue [14](https://github.com/szczyglis-dev/py-gpt/issues/14)