- Added a new model: 'gpt-4-turbo'. - Vision integrated into Chat mode, without any plugins, if the model supports Vision - currently available for: 'gpt-4-turbo' and 'gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09'. - Store importer connected with Logger. - Fixed: issue with batch unassigning remote files from vector stores.
- Fix: import button handler in Assistants. - Refactored and improved stores batch actions events handling. - Added missing translations.
- Batch actions splitted into 'Current store' and 'All stores' in Assistants remote vector stores importer. - Added sync current/all context menu options to Sync button. - Improved remote stores handling.
- Fixed Assistants files sync btn. - Added batch upload files or directory in Assistants vector stores dialog.
- Added 'Application environment' option to Config -> General for setting up custom env vars on app load. - Added chunk render/parse throttling to prevent high CPU load on huge text chunks. - Optimized and improved Code interpreter output rendering in stream mode in Assistants. - Improved run stopping in Assistants. - Fixed syntax theme and 'Edit' icon restore on profile switch.