* Commentout line that created zero length issuelinks.csv file in cycletime.py.
* Don't try to create a forecast chart if no issues have been completed. * See specifying warning as suggested by ruamel.yaml module works.
* Fixed bug that ignored issues that were created with a storypoint size that has never changed. Impacted CFD and forecaste * Export of issue links and parent epics to csv file - Useful for identifying issue dependencies.
* Changed the creation of temp buffer creation from in memory spooled to buffered disk for MS-Windows users.
* Deal with differences in dealing with unicode jira issue summaries betwee Python 2 and 3 * Return pipe delimited values for issue fields such as labels and Components * Save day by day file changes to make it easier to see backlog story size change with pivot table analysis
* Created new package jira-metrics-extract based on https://github.com/optilude/jira-cycle-extract * CFD can also be produced based on issue Story Points size * Issue size history can be extracted and saved.