
Latest version: v2.2.5

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This is mainly a "housekeeping" release.

Welcome [Bamieh] and [xxczaki] to the team!

:bug: Fixes

- [2661]: `progress` reporter now accepts reporter options ([canoztokmak])
- [3142]: `xit` in `bdd` interface now properly returns its `Test` object ([Bamieh])
- [3075]: Diffs now computed eagerly to avoid misinformation when reported ([abrady0])
- [2745]: `--help` will now help you even if you have a `mocha.opts` ([Zarel])

:tada: Enhancements

- [2514]: The `--no-diff` flag will completely disable diff output ([CapacitorSet])
- [3058]: All "setters" in Mocha's API are now also "getters" if called without arguments ([makepanic])

:book: Documentation

- [3170]: Optimization and site speed improvements ([Munter])
- [2987]: Moved the old [site repo](https://github.com/mochajs/mochajs.github.io) into the main repo under `docs/` ([boneskull])
- [2896]: Add [maintainer guide](https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/blob/master/MAINTAINERS.md) ([boneskull])
- Various fixes and updates ([xxczaki], [maty21], [leedm777])

:nut_and_bolt: Other

- Test improvements and fixes ([eugenet8k], [ngeor], [38elements], [Gerhut], [ScottFreeCode], [boneskull])
- Refactoring and cruft excision ([38elements], [Bamieh], [finnigantime], [boneskull])

[2661]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2661
[3142]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/3142
[3075]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/3075
[2745]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2745
[2514]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2514
[3058]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/3058
[3170]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/3170
[2987]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2987
[2896]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2896
[canoztokmak]: https://github.com/canoztokmak
[Bamieh]: https://github.com/Bamieh
[abrady0]: https://github.com/abrady0
[Zarel]: https://github.com/Zarel
[CapacitorSet]: https://github.com/CapacitorSet
[xxczaki]: https://github.com/xxczaki
[maty21]: https://github.com/maty21
[leedm777]: https://github.com/leedm777
[eugenet8k]: https://github.com/eugenet8k
[38elements]: https://github.com/38elements
[Gerhut]: https://github.com/Gerhut
[finnigantime]: https://github.com/finnigantime


:bug: Fixes

- [3051]: Upgrade Growl to v1.10.3 to fix its [peer dep problems](https://github.com/tj/node-growl/pull/68) ([dpogue])

[3051]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/3051
[dpogue]: https://github.com/dpogue


You might want to read this before filing a new bug! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

:boom: Breaking Changes

For more info, please [read this article](https://boneskull.com/mocha-v4-nears-release/).


- [3016]: Drop support for unmaintained versions of Node.js ([boneskull]):
- 0.10.x
- 0.11.x
- 0.12.x
- iojs (any)
- 5.x.x
- [2979]: Drop support for non-ES5-compliant browsers ([boneskull]):
- IE7
- IE8
- PhantomJS 1.x
- [2615]: Drop Bower support; old versions (3.x, etc.) will remain available ([ScottFreeCode], [boneskull])

Default Behavior

- [2879]: By default, Mocha will no longer force the process to exit once all tests complete. This means any test code (or code under test) which would normally prevent `node` from exiting will do so when run in Mocha. Supply the `--exit` flag to revert to pre-v4.0.0 behavior ([ScottFreeCode], [boneskull])

Reporter Output

- [2095]: Remove `stdout:` prefix from browser reporter logs ([skeggse])
- [2295]: Add separator in "unified diff" output ([olsonpm])
- [2686]: Print failure message when `--forbid-pending` or `--forbid-only` is specified ([ScottFreeCode])
- [2814]: Indent contexts for better readability when reporting failures ([charlierudolph])

:-1: Deprecations

- [2493]: The `--compilers` command-line option is now soft-deprecated and will emit a warning on `STDERR`. Read [this](https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/wiki/compilers-deprecation) for more info and workarounds ([ScottFreeCode], [boneskull])

:tada: Enhancements

- [2628]: Allow override of default test suite name in XUnit reporter ([ngeor])

:book: Documentation

- [3020]: Link to CLA in `README.md` and `CONTRIBUTING.md` ([skeggse])

:nut_and_bolt: Other

- [2890]: Speed up build by (re-)consolidating SauceLabs tests ([boneskull])

[3016]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/3016
[2979]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2979
[2615]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2615
[2879]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2879
[2095]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2095
[2295]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2295
[2686]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2686
[2814]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2814
[2493]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2493
[2628]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2628
[3020]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/3020
[2890]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2890
[skeggse]: https://github.com/skeggse
[olsonpm]: https://github.com/olsonpm
[ngeor]: https://github.com/ngeor


:bug: Fixes

- [3003]: Fix invalid entities in xUnit reporter first appearing in v3.5.1 ([jkrems])

[3003]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/3003


:bug: Fixes

- [3001]: Fix AMD-related failures first appearing in v3.5.1 ([boneskull])

[3001]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/3001


:newspaper: News

- :mega: Mocha is now sponsoring [PDXNode](http://pdxnode.org)! If you're in the [Portland](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Portland,_Oregon) area, come check out the monthly talks and hack nights!

:bug: Fixes

- [2997]: Fix missing `xit` export for "require" interface ([solodynamo])
- [2957]: Fix unicode character handling in XUnit reporter failures ([jkrems])

:nut_and_bolt: Other

- [2986]: Add issue and PR templates ([kungapal])
- [2918]: Drop bash dependency for glob-related tests ([ScottFreeCode])
- [2922]: Improve `--compilers` coverage ([ScottFreeCode])
- [2981]: Fix tpyos and spelling errors ([jsoref])

[2997]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2997
[2957]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2957
[2918]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2918
[2986]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2986
[2922]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2922
[2981]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2981
[solodynamo]: https://github.com/solodynamo
[jkrems]: https://github.com/jkrems
[jsoref]: https://github.com/jsoref

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