- Update mocha.js
- Add --fgrep. Use grep for RegExp, fgrep for str
- Ignore async global errors after spec resolution
- Fixing errors that prevent mocha.js from loading in the browser - fixes 1558
- fix(utils): issue 1558 + make
- add ability to delay root suite; closes 362, closes 1124
- fix insanity in http tests
- update travis: add node 0.12, add gitter, remove slack
- building
- resolve 1548: ensure the environment's "node" executable is used
- reporters/base: use supports-color to detect colorable term
- travis: use docker containers
- small fix: commander option for --expose-gc
- Ignore asynchronous errors after global failure
- Improve error output when a test fails with a non-error
- updated travis badge, uses svg instead of img
- Allow skip from test context for 332
- [JSHINT] Unnecessary semicolon fixed in bin/_mocha
- Added a reminder about the done() callback to test timeout error messages
- fixes 1496, in Mocha.run(fn), check if fn exists before executing it, added tests too
- Add Harmony Proxy flag for iojs
- test(utils|ms|*): test existing units
- add support for some iojs flags
- fix(utils.stringify): issue 1229, diff viewer
- Remove slack link
- Prevent multiple 'grep=' querystring params in html reporter
- Use grep as regexp (close 1381)
- utils.stringify should handle objects without an Object prototype
- in runnable test, comparing to undefined error's message rather than a literal
- Fix test running output truncation on async STDIO
- amended for deprecated customFds option in child_process