
Latest version: v0.10.16

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* [Fix] Look into `~/.jupysql/config` for config if pyproject.toml does not have a SqlMagic section ([911](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/911))
* [Fix] Update to be compatible with DuckDB v0.9.0 ([897](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/897)) and Pandas 2.1.0 ([#890](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/890))
* [Fix] Pins `sqlplot<20.0.0`


* [Feature] Allow user to specify the schema when saving dataframes using `--persist` ([945](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/945))
* [Fix] Fix bug causing empty result on SQL with trailing semicolon and comment ([907](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/907))
* [Fix] Fix bug %sql not parsing JSON arrow operators correctly ([918](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/918))
* [Fix] Fixed bug that returns empty results when exception is raised from DB driver
* [Fix] Added guards to check and raise errors when arguments are entered twice in %sql, %sqlcmd and %sqlplot ([806](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/806))
* [Fix] Fixed bug that returns snippet typo error message when another table is misspelled ([940](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/940))
* [Doc] Use Oracle Database Free for Oracle Database Quick Start tutorial ([943](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/943))


* [Feature] Allow user-level config using ~/.jupysql/config ([880](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/880))
* [Fix] Remove force deleted snippets from dependent snippet's `with` ([717](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/717))
* [Fix] Comments added in SQL query to be stripped before saved as snippet ([886](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/886))
* [Fix] Fixed bug passing :NUMBER while string slicing in query ([901](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/901))
* [Fix] Fixed bug that showed wrong error when querying snippet with invalid function ([902](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/902))
* [Fix] Disabled CTE generation when snippets are detected in a non-SELECT type query. ([651](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/651), [#652](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/652))
* [Fix] Fix empty result in certain duckdb `SELECT` and `SUMMARIZE` queries with leading comments ([892](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/892))
* [Fix] Fix incorrect conversion to Pandas/Polars dataframe for PIVOT statement results and InvalidInputException in PIVOT subqueries ([917](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/917))
* [Doc] Added `run_statements` to the Python API docs ([922](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/922))


* [Feature] Improved messages when loading configurations from `pyproject.toml` file.
* [Feature] Add `--schema/-s` for `%sqlcmd` commands that support `--table/-t` and ensure `--table schema.table` works ([519](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/519))
* [Feature] Add `schema/-s` for `%sqlplot` and ensure `--table schema.table` works ([854](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/854))
* [Feature] Expose link in feedback when it is shown in a terminal ([846](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/846))
* [Feature] Show feedback when starting a new connection ([807](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/807))
* [Feature] `jupysql-plugin` is now bundled with `jupysql` by default
* [Fix] Fix result not displayed when `SUMMARIZE` argument is used in duckdb with a sqlalchemy connection ([836](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/836))
* [Fix] Show deprecation warnings for legacy plot API ([513](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/513))
* [Fix] Fix error when trying to access previously non-existing file ([840](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/840))
* [Fix] Testing with latest DuckDB version ([498](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/498))
* [Fix] Remove duplicate integration tests ([827](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/827))
* [Doc] Fixed typo in the `./doc/integrations/postgres-connect.ipynb` file (Line 180) ([845](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/845))
* [Doc] Add chDB integration tutorial
* [Doc] Clarify the use of `pyproject.toml` and `connections.ini` in documentations ([850](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/850))
* [Doc] Update documentation to use `{{variable}}` instead of `string.Template` and remove `--with` since it's optional ([838](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/838))


* [Feature] Automatically connect if the `dsn_filename` (defaults to `~/.jupysql/connections.ini`) contains a `default` section
* [Feature] Add `%sqlcmd connect` to see existing connections and create new ones ([632](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/632))
* [Fix] Clearer error messages when failing to initialize a connection
* [Fix] Improve error when passing a non-identifier to start a connection ([764](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/764))
* [Fix] Display a warning (instead of raising an error) if the `default` connection in the `.ini` file cannot start
* [Fix] Display a message instead of an error when `toml` isn't installed and `pyproject.toml` is found ([825](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/825))
* [Fix] Fix argument parsing error on Windows when it contains quotations ([425](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/425))
* [Fix] Fix error when a linebreak is included during nonidentifier validation process
* [Fix] Fix error when an argument ending with semicolon is passed to `%sql/%%sql` ([842](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/842))
* [Doc] Added section on installing database drivers


* [API Change] `%config SqlMagic.feedback` now takes values `0` (disabled), `1` (normal), `2` (verbose)
* [API Change] When loading connections from a `.ini` file via `%sql --section section_name`, the section name is set as the connection alias
* [API Change] Starting connections from a `.ini` file via `%sql [section_name]` has been deprecated
* [API Change] `%config SqlMagic.dsn_filename` default value changed from `odbc.ini` to `~/.jupysql/connections.ini`
* [Feature] Add `--binwidth/-W` to ggplot histogram for specifying binwidth ([784](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/784))
* [Feature] Add `%sqlcmd profile` support for DBAPI connections ([743](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/743))
* [Fix] Perform `ROLLBACK` when SQLAlchemy raises `PendingRollbackError`
* [Fix] Perform `ROLLBACK` when `psycopg2` raises `current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block`
* [Fix] Perform `ROLLBACK` when `psycopg2` raises `server closed the connection unexpectedly` ([677](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/677))
* [Fix] Fix a bug that caused a cell with a CTE to fail if it referenced a table/view with the same name as an existing snippet ([753](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/753))
* [Fix] Shorter `displaylimit` footer
* [Fix] `ResultSet` footer only displayed when `feedback=2`
* [Fix] Current connection and switching connections message only displayed when `feedback>=1`
* [Fix] `--persist/--persist-replace` perform `ROLLBACK` automatically when needed
* [Fix] `ResultSet` footer (when `displaylimit` truncates results and when showing how to convert to a data frame) now appears in the `ResultSet` plain text representation ([682](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/682))
* [Fix] Improve error when calling `%sqlcmd` ([761](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/761))
* [Fix] Fix count statement's result not displayed when `displaylimit=None` ([801](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/801))
* [Fix] Fix an error that caused a connection error message to be turned into a `print` statement
* [Fix] Fix Twice message printing when switching to the current connection ([772](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/772))
* [Fix] Error when using %sqlplot in snowflake ([697](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/697))
* [Doc] Fixes documentation inaccuracy that said `:variable` was deprecated (we brought it back in `0.9.0`)
* [Fix] Descriptive error messages when specific syntax error occurs when running query in DuckDB or Oracle.

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