* [API Change] `%config SqlMagic.feedback` now takes values `0` (disabled), `1` (normal), `2` (verbose)
* [API Change] When loading connections from a `.ini` file via `%sql --section section_name`, the section name is set as the connection alias
* [API Change] Starting connections from a `.ini` file via `%sql [section_name]` has been deprecated
* [API Change] `%config SqlMagic.dsn_filename` default value changed from `odbc.ini` to `~/.jupysql/connections.ini`
* [Feature] Add `--binwidth/-W` to ggplot histogram for specifying binwidth ([784](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/784))
* [Feature] Add `%sqlcmd profile` support for DBAPI connections ([743](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/743))
* [Fix] Perform `ROLLBACK` when SQLAlchemy raises `PendingRollbackError`
* [Fix] Perform `ROLLBACK` when `psycopg2` raises `current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block`
* [Fix] Perform `ROLLBACK` when `psycopg2` raises `server closed the connection unexpectedly` ([677](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/677))
* [Fix] Fix a bug that caused a cell with a CTE to fail if it referenced a table/view with the same name as an existing snippet ([753](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/753))
* [Fix] Shorter `displaylimit` footer
* [Fix] `ResultSet` footer only displayed when `feedback=2`
* [Fix] Current connection and switching connections message only displayed when `feedback>=1`
* [Fix] `--persist/--persist-replace` perform `ROLLBACK` automatically when needed
* [Fix] `ResultSet` footer (when `displaylimit` truncates results and when showing how to convert to a data frame) now appears in the `ResultSet` plain text representation ([682](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/682))
* [Fix] Improve error when calling `%sqlcmd` ([761](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/761))
* [Fix] Fix count statement's result not displayed when `displaylimit=None` ([801](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/801))
* [Fix] Fix an error that caused a connection error message to be turned into a `print` statement
* [Fix] Fix Twice message printing when switching to the current connection ([772](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/772))
* [Fix] Error when using %sqlplot in snowflake ([697](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/697))
* [Doc] Fixes documentation inaccuracy that said `:variable` was deprecated (we brought it back in `0.9.0`)
* [Fix] Descriptive error messages when specific syntax error occurs when running query in DuckDB or Oracle.