* [Feature] Clearer message display when executing queries, listing connections and persisting data frames ([432](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/432))
* [Feature] `%sql --connections` now displays an HTML table in Jupyter and a text-based table in the terminal
* [Fix] Fix CTE generation when the snippets have trailing semicolons
* [Doc] Hiding connection string when passing `--alias` when opening a connection ([432](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/432))
* [Doc] Fix `api/magic-sql.md` since it incorrectly stated that listing functions was `--list`, but it's `--connections` ([432](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/432))
* [Doc] Added Howto documentation for enabling JupyterLab cell runtime display ([448](https://github.com/ploomber/jupysql/issues/448))