server. Existing server extensions will be shimmed, but it is advised to
update extensions to use
- Update server(s), nbclassic, pytest fixtures
- Add jupyter_core as a dependency
- Put exposeappinbrowser and quitbutton values back in page config
- Update favicon handling
- Enable JupyterLab to run as an old notebook server extension
- Fixed `static_url_prefix`, added classic notebook flags and aliases,
and bumped `jupyterlab_server` dependency
- Use favicons provided by `jupyter_server`
- Load `app_version` next to running on jupyter_server
- Reinstate the labhubapp
- Jupyterlab as server extension
The JupyterLab UI now supports translation.
- Cleanup tsconfig for the translation extension
- Add options to add prefix to strings
- Add a standalone translation manager to be used outside of plugins
- Add missing string fixes
- Add crowdin badge
- Change `optionsmap` to a an array of tuples to be able to localize
the options
- Localize strings in jlab
- Add translation package
Visual Debugger
- Debugger-sidebar
- Handle multiple scopes in the debugger variables viewer
- Remove the ptvsd dependency from the debugger user docs
- Throws an error if the kernel cannot start the debugger
- Replace switch in debugger
- Sets terminatedebuggee to false
- Add missing return signatures in debugger sidebar
- Fix invisible breakpoint in debugger
- Port `jupyterlab/debugger` PR 527 to JupyterLab
- Add jupyterlab debugger to core
Table of Contents
- Update toc ui
- Add tests for the toc
- Change toc to use labicon
- Switch from using settings registry to a signal for notebook
collapsing behavior in toc
- Remove `husky` dependencies from `toc` and `toc-extension`
- Merge toc extension into core
- Resolve 'restarting' state on reconnect
- Upgrade typedoc
- Update to typescript 4.1.3
- Disable shut down all button if there is no running kernel or
- Make some dependencies optional for the code console plugin
- Require tornado>=6.1.0
- Pin to tornado>=6.1 on binder
- Fix some of the ui-components dependency warnings
- Fix browser test
- Support for lowercase search queries in the file browser
- Set the tabs menu title by default
- Add tests for interop between source and prebuilt extensions
- Make itreepathupdater optional in file browser plugin
- Make ilabshell optional in the filebrowser factory plugin
- Reduce yarn timeout
- Remove unused requires for the tree-resolver plugin
- Update types/react to ^17.0.0
- Make css dependency graph of js modules
- Cleanup unused python imports in examples/
- Clear the model and the signals upon continue response
- Fix scroll positions when clearing outputs
- Remove initial extra \_onmimetypechanged call
- Bump the eslint dev dependencies
- Reconnect to kernel on manual restart
- Remove the memory usage status bar item
- Change user references from single-document mode to simple interface
- Reconnect to kernel on restart action
- Add a polyfill for path in the base webpack config
- Add reconnect to kernel main menu item, and notebook implementation.
- Update blueprint dependencies
- Target sys-prefix by default but allow you to specify user
- Eliminate eager sharing
- Revert opening in new tab in single-document mode
- Eager share only core packages and their dependencies
- Changed the expression to "server unavailable or unreachable"
instead of "server not running"
- Increase the pause between publishing and using npm packages to 5
- Lint extension manager
- Refactor build conventions
- Make ilabshell optional for the launcher extension
- Update binder to use conda, which allows us to install our own
- Move the single document switch to the status bar
- Added utf-8 encoding parameter to create process
- Fix linting errors in github prs
- Enable mimedocument to use an optional specific renderer
- Pause after publishing packages to allow npm time to update their
- Sidebar width
- link for people who want to test their own branches in
the developer guidelines
- Remove ensure-max-old-space script
- Fix usage tests refusing to uninstall federated extensions
- Add a new menu shell area
- Fix 9255
- Fix theme path in jupyterlab builder
- Move document mode switch to separate plugin
- Fix styling of single-document mode switch in menu bar
- Make pdf viewer extension recognize pdf files
- Fix relative path handling in markdown images
- Add jupyterhub to page config
- Update to webpack-cli 4.1.0
- Upgrade to react 17
- Extension documentation
- Lint fixes
- Update change log
- Update committer list
- Upgrade to TypeScript 4
- File browser filter
- Update yarn.lock.
- Handle notebook kernel in busy state on page reload
- Use span element to maintain ellipsis
- Add codemirror singleton plugin
- Support token authentication for terminal websocket communication
- Do not special-case logic for mainareawidget.
- Set an icon for the inspector main area widget
- Fix the open tabs handling of mainareawidget icons
- Sort completion filtering results
- Add hover scrolling to menu, like toolbar.
- Add codemirror simple mode addon
- Create codeql-analysis.yml
- Create ensurevimkeymap function
- Increase size of docstring pop up tooltip
- Add a 2.x -> 3.x migration guide
- Add an offline circle icon for disconnected or unknown kernel state
- Include js api in sphinx docs
- Update rtd build
- Allow to substitute the default completer renderer
- Update dependencies for beta
- Test cleanup
- Resize isolated iframes on content height change
- Update minimum python version to python 3.6.
- Update yarn.lock
- Makes some properties and methods of class dsvmodel accessible
outside the class.
- Do not use token parameters in websocket urls
- Use blocked/allowed extension naming in jupyterlab
- Create icon for pdfs in the filebrowser
- Correctly set base_url on workspace apps
- Pass in isessioncontextdialogs to notebookwidgetfactory
- Update encoding version in vega sample.
- Upgrade codemirror
- Rename the logconsole:nboutput plugin id
- Rename the celltags plugin id to jupyterlab/celltags
- Uncaught typeerror when switching kernels
- Change inspector detail_level to 1
- Change main menu ranks to allow for application menu to l of file
- Handle errors in async browser_check
- Add mehmet and andrew to contributors, fix last name order
- Updated puppeteer version to v4.0.0
- Update the singleton packages to include at least every package with
a 'tokens.ts' file
- Update link to jupyter contributing guide
- Added ability to delete a document from titlebar context menu
- Move codemirror html tree and related css to shadow dom
- Support macoptionismeta option in terminal
- Align output baseline with prompt
- Use the same font-family for cell prompt and code
- Prompt to save files before rebuild
- Change json5 payload to json payload
- Move notebook logging plugin to notebook-extension package
- First pass at adding scroll to cell method
- Add a debugger section to the user docs and contributing guide
Single Document Mode and Mobile Enhancements
- Make the single document title widget work for widgets that are not
main area widgets
- Add border at top of single-document open menus
- Implement a simple checkbox for single-document mode in the menu
bar. ([9100](,
- Followup 9100: made sdm switch pretty, accessible
- Improved url scheme, state, interactions for single document mode
- Add workspace mime handler and loading/saving workspaces manually
- Modify ansi color fix
- Improve single document mode to address classic notebook usage cases
- Incrementally improve jupyterlab mobile ux
Benchmarks (now a separate repository)
- Move benchmarks to separate repo
- Fix off by one error in benchmark samples
- Benchmark params configurable and increase timeout
- Benchmarks: new erroroutputs + larger timeout + notebook defs in
- Add ability to compare benchmarks
- Benchmark notebook loads
- Fix lerna warning
- Fix doc build
- Make text settings menu work
- Fix lint check for the codemirror-extension package
- Fix the examples ci
- Test: cleanup eslint jest rules and files
- Switch to a different murmurhash2 implementation to handle unicode
- Add more xxx to the mktemp command in
- Add and pyproject.toml to
- Urlext.join can't handle colon in relative paths
- Remove absolute document search pane width
- Update session and kernel manager data only if there was a real
- Update metadata recorded to align better with jupyter protocol
- Fix focus issues with command palette
- Update mimetype for dragging files
- Fix comment explaining the extension entry point.
- Security docs: link to jupyter-server instead of jupyter-noteboook
- Fix titles in the extension development docs
- Fix link syntax in the apod tutorial
- Fix codemirror text color issue with dark jupyter theme.
- Remove the extension path, not the entire extension directory, when
uninstalling an extension
- Header `'content-type'` should not be overwritten
- Make sure adding or removing a cell tag actually replaces the tag
list, so a changed signal is emitted for the cell metadata
- Fix up ensure package and repo
- Add comma in `extension_points.rst` to fix syntax error of code
- Fix: Contributing Guide Link is Out of Sync
- Fix api docs links
- Fix handling of disposed widgets after closing a panel in tutorial
- Fix small typos in docs for developing extensions
- Reload the application on manual state reset
- Remove superfluous page reload on workspace reset
- Remove superfluous console log from the application shell
- Fix minor typos in extension tutorial
- Fix minor typos in docs for extensions.
- Fix small typo in install docs
- Fix more linting errors
- Reconnect a websocket when a kernel is restarted.