July 26, 2018
See the [JupyterLab
milestone on GitHub for the full list of pull requests and issues
Key Features:
- [No longer in beta](no-longer-in-beta)
- [Workspaces](workspaces)
- [Menu items](menu-items)
- [Keyboard shortcuts](keyboard-shortcuts)
- [Command palette items](command-palette-items)
- [Settings](settings)
- [Larger file uploads](larger-file-uploads)
- [Extension management and installation](extension-management-and-installation)
- [Interface changes](interface-changes)
- [Renderers](renderers)
- [Changes for developers](changes-for-developers)
- [Other fixes](other-fixes)
No longer in beta
In JupyterLab 0.33, we removed the "Beta" label to better signal that
JupyterLab is ready for users to use on a daily basis. The extension
developer API is still being stabilized. See the release blog post for
We added new workspace support, which enables you to have multiple saved
layouts, including in different browser windows. See the
`workspace documentation` for more details.
Menu items
- "Activate Previously Used Tab" added to the Tab menu
(`Ctrl/Cmd Shift '`) to toggle between the previously active tabs in
the main area.
- "Reload From Disk" added to the File menu to reload an open file
from the state saved on disk.
- "Save Notebook with View State" added to the File menu to persist
the notebook collapsed and scrolled cell state. We now read the
`collapsed`, `scrolled`, `jupyter.source_hidden` and
`jupyter.outputs_hidden` notebook cell metadata when opening.
`collapsed` and `jupyter.outputs_hidden` are redundant and the
initial collapsed state is the union of both of them. When the state
is persisted, if an output is collapsed, both will be written with
the value `true`, and if it is not, both will not be written.
- "Increase/Decrease Font Size" added to the text editor settings
menu. ([4811](https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/pull/4811))
- "Show in File Browser" added to a document tab's context menu.
- "Open in New Browser Tab" added to the file browser context menu.
- "Copy Path" added to file browser context menu to copy the
document's path to the clipboard.
- "Show Left Area" has been renamed to "Show Left Sidebar" for
consistency (same for right sidebar).
Keyboard shortcuts
- "Save As..." given the keyboard shortcut `Ctrl/Cmd Shift S`.
- "Run All Cells" given the keyboard shortcut `Ctrl/Cmd Shift Enter`.
- "notebook:change-to-cell-heading-X" keyboard shortcuts (and
commands) renamed to "notebook:change-cell-to-heading-X" for
X=1...6. This fixes the notebook command-mode keyboard shortcuts for
changing headings.
- The console execute shortcut can now be set to either `Enter` or
`Shift Enter` as a Console setting.
Command palette items
- "Notebook" added to the command palette to open a new notebook.
- "Run Selected Text or Current Line in Console" added to the command
palette to run the selected text or current line from a notebook in
a console. A default keyboard shortcut for this command is not yet
provided, but can be added by users with the
`notebook:run-in-console` command. To add a keyboard shortcut
`Ctrl G` for this command, use the "Settings" | "Advanced Settings
Editor" menu item to open the "Keyboard Shortcuts" advanced
settings, and add the following JSON in the shortcut JSON object in
the User Overrides pane (adjust the actual keyboard shortcut if you
"command": "notebook:run-in-console",
"keys": ["Ctrl G"],
"selector": ".jp-Notebook.jp-mod-editMode"
- The command palette now renders labels, toggled state, and keyboard
shortcuts in a more consistent and correct way.
- "fontFamily", "fontSize", and "lineHeight" settings added to the
text editor advanced settings.
- Solarized dark and light text editor themes from CodeMirror.
Larger file uploads
- Support for larger file uploads (>15MB) when using Jupyter notebook
server version >= 5.1.
Extension management and installation
- New extension manager for installing JupyterLab extensions from npm
within the JupyterLab UI. You can enable this from the Advanced
Settings interface.
- Please note that to install extensions in JupyterLab, you must use
NodeJS version 9 or earlier (i.e., not NodeJS version 10). We will
upgrade yarn, with NodeJS version 10 support, when a [bug in
yarn](https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/5935) is fixed.
Interface changes
- Wider tabs in the main working area to show longer filenames.
- Initial kernel selection for a notebook or console can no longer be
canceled: the user must select a kernel.
- Consoles now do not display output from other clients by default. A
new "Show All Kernel Activity" console context menu item has been
added to show all activity from a kernel in the console.
- The favicon now shows the busy status of the kernels in JupyterLab.
- JupyterLab now ships with a Vega4 renderer by default (upgraded from
- The HTML sanitizer now allows some extra tags in rendered HTML,
including `kbd`, `sup`, and `sub`.
- JupyterLab now recognizes the `.tsv` file extension as tab-separated
- Javascript execution in notebook cells has been re-enabled.
Changes for developers
- A new signal for observing application dirty status state changes.
- A new signal for observing notebook cell execution.
- A new `anyMessage` signal for observing any message a kernel sends
or receives.
- A generic way for different widgets to register a "Save with extras"
command that appears in the File menu under save.
- A new API for removing groups from a JupyterLab menu. `addGroup` now
returns an `IDisposable` which can be used to remove the group.
`removeGroup` has been removed.
- The `Launcher` now uses commands from the application
`CommandRegistry` to launch new activities. Extension authors that
add items to the launcher will need to update them to use commands.
- There is now a top-level `addToBottomArea` function in the
application, allowing extension authors to add bottom panel items
like status bars.
- Rendermime extensions can now indicate that they are the default
rendered widget factory for a file-type. For instance, the default
widget for a markdown file is a text editor, but the default
rendered widget is the markdown viewer.
- Add new workspace REST endpoints to `jupyterlab_server` and make
them available in `jupyterlab/services`.
- Documents created with a mimerenderer extension can now be accessed
using an `IInstanceTracker` which tracks them. Include the token
`IMimeDocumentTracker` in your plugin to access this. The
`IInstanceTracker` interface has also gained convenience functions
`find` and `filter` to simplify iterating over instances.
- RenderMime render errors are now displayed to the user.
- `getNotebookVersion` is added to the `PageConfig` object.
- The session `kernelChanged` signal now contains both the old kernel
and the new kernel to make it easy to unregister things from the old
- The `connectTo` functions for connecting to kernels and sessions are
now synchronous (returning a connection immediately rather than a
promise). The DefaultSession `clone` and `update` methods are also
synchronous now.
- Kernel message processing is now asynchronous, which guarantees the
order of processing even if a handler is asynchronous. If a kernel
message handler returns a promise, kernel message processing is
paused until the promise resolves. The kernel's `anyMessage` signal
is emitted synchronously when a message is received before
asynchronous message handling, and the `iopubMessage` and
`unhandledMessage` signals are emitted during asynchronous message
handling. These changes mean that the comm `onMsg` and `onClose`
handlers and the kernel future `onReply`, `onIOPub`, and `onStdin`
handlers, as well as the comm target and message hook handlers, may
be asynchronous and return promises.
- Kernel comm targets and message hooks now are unregistered with
`removeCommTarget` and `removeMessageHook`, instead of using
disposables. The corresponding `registerCommTarget` and
`registerMessageHook` functions now return nothing.
- The kernel `connectToComm` function is synchronous, and now returns
the comm rather than a promise to the comm.
- The `KernelFutureHandler` class `expectShell` constructor argument
is renamed to `expectReply`.
- The kernel future `done` returned promise now resolves to undefined
if there is no reply message.
- The `IDisplayDataMsg` is updated to have the optional `transient`
key, and a new `IUpdateDisplayDataMsg` type was added for update
display messages.
- The `uuid` function from `jupyterlab/coreutils` is removed. Instead
import `UUID` from `phosphor/coreutils` and use `UUID.uuid4()` .
- Main area widgets like the launcher and console inherit from a
common `MainAreaWidget` class which provides a content area
(`.content`) and a toolbar (`.toolbar`), consistent focus handling
and activation behavior, and a spinner displayed until the given
`reveal` promise is resolved. Document widgets, like the notebook
and text editor and other documents opened from the document
manager, implement the `IDocumentWidget` interface (instead of
`DocumentRegistry.IReadyWidget`), which builds on `MainAreaWidget`
and adds a `.context` attribute for the document context and makes
dirty handling consistent. Extension authors may consider inheriting
from the `MainAreaWidget` or `DocumentWidget` class for consistency.
Several effects from these changes are noted below.
- The notebook panel `.notebook` attribute is renamed to
- The text editor is now the `.content` of a `DocumentWidget`, so
the top-level editor widget has a toolbar and the editor itself
is `widget.content.editor` rather than just `widget.editor`.
- Mime documents use a `MimeContent` widget embedded inside of a
`DocumentWidget` now.
- Main area widgets and document widgets now have a `revealed`
promise which resolves when the widget has been revealed (i.e.,
the spinner has been removed). This should be used instead of
the `ready` promise.
Changes in the JupyterLab code infrastructure include:
- The JupyterLab TypeScript codebase is now compiled to ES2015 (ES6)
using TypeScript 2.9. We also turned on the TypeScript
`esModuleInterop` flag to enable more natural imports from
non-es2015 JavaScript modules. With the update to ES2015 output,
code generated from async/await syntax became much more manageable,
so we have started to use async/await liberally throughout the
codebase, especially in tests. Because we use Typedoc for API
documentation, we still use syntax compatible with TypeScript 2.7
where Typedoc is used. Extension authors may have some minor
compatibility updates to make. If you are writing an extension in
TypeScript, we recommend updating to TypeScript 2.9 and targeting
ES2015 output as well.
- The JupyterLab codebase is now formatted using
[Prettier](https://github.com/prettier/prettier). By default the
development environment installs a pre-commit hook that formats your
staged changes.
- Updated build infrastructure using webpack 4 and better typing.
- Upgraded yarn to version 1.6. Please note that you must use NodeJS
version 9 or earlier with JupyterLab (i.e., not NodeJS version 10).
We will upgrade yarn, with NodeJS version 10 support, when a [bug in
yarn](https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/5935) is fixed.
- Various process utilities were moved to `jupyterlab_server`.
Other fixes
- Fixed a rendering bug with the Launcher in single-document mode.
- Fixed a bug where the native context menu could not be triggered in
a notebook cell in Chrome.
- Fixed a bug where the cursor would not show up in the dark theme.
- Fixed a bug preventing relative links from working correctly in
alternate `IDrive`s.
- Fixed a bug breaking the image viewer upon saving the image.
- Fixed the font size for code blocks in notebook Markdown headers.
- Prevented a memory leak when repeatedly rendering a Vega chart.
- Support dropped terminal connection re-connecting.
- Use `require.ensure` in `vega4-extension` to lazily load
`vega-embed` and its dependencies on first render.
- Relative links to documents that include anchor tags will now
correctly scroll the document to the right place.
- Fix default settings JSON in setting editor.
- Fix setting editor pane layout's stretch factor.
- Programmatically set settings are now output with nicer formatting.
- Fixed a bug in displaying one-line CSV files.
- Fixed a bug where JSON arrays in rich outputs were collapsed into