New Features
Project & API Documentation
- Included documentation describing the algorithms used for instrument monitors
- Included templates for bug reports and feature requests as well as a link to submit issues on the ``home`` page
- Included ``Documentation`` option on instrument drop down menu in the navigation bar
Web Application
- All relevant instruments (NIRCam, NIRISS, NIRSpec) are incorporated into the Bias Monitor
- The generalized pipeline function from ``pipeline_tools.py`` is used for image calibration
- For exposures containing multiple integrations, created thumbnail image for only a single ingtegration
- Implemented tests for all Monitor webpages
``jwql`` Repository
- Modified filesystem to reflect MAST-like organizational structure
- Implemented application security tools into GitHub Actions builds
- Switched filesystem to use latest DMS build
- Improved configuration file handling
Bug Fixes
Project & API Documentation
- Include API Docs for all modules, classes, and functions in ReadTheDocs
Web Application
- Included various fixes and improvements suggested during stakeholder demonstrations
- Fixed ``View Image``, ``View Proposal``, and ``View Header`` buttons
- Updated dashboard such that ``NULL`` Monitor Status values were fixed
- Updated options that users can select for general image queries
- Eliminated pop-up warning when viewing fits file headers in the web app
- Removed login button on homepage and supporting authentication code and replaced with SSO authentication
``jwql`` Repository
- Fixed Dark Monitor failure due to dither point keyword values in data
- Addressed Dark Monitor failure with data including 64-bit integers
- Resolved the NIRSpec amp boundary issue
- Fixed missing reference file error handling with latest DMS build in Readnoise Monitor
- Ensured Dark, Bias, and Readnoise Monitors complete successfully with latest DMS build
- Included read persmissions for database tables
- Performed flake8 sweep of the code repository
- Updated software to support the latest versions of ``bokeh`` and ``pysiaf``
- Removed dependencies on the astroconda channel