New Features
Project & API Documentation
- Added guidelines to the style guide for logging the execution of instrument monitors
- Added example usage of logging in the ``example.py`` module
Web Application
- Modified various web app views to enable faster loading times
- Modified archive and preview image views to only display data for an authenticated user
- Added views for MIRI and NIRSpec Data Trending Monitors, which monitors the behavior of select MIRI and NIRSpec Engineering Database mnemonics over time
``jwql`` Repository
- Added Dark Monitor module, which monitors the dark current and hot pixel populations for each JWST instrument
- Added software for producing MIRI and NIRSpec Data Trending Monitors (described above)
- Modified ``generate_preview_images`` module to support the creation of preview images for stage 3 data products
- Refactored ``monitor_filesystem`` to utilize PostgreSQL database tables to store archive filesystem statistics
- Configured ``codecov`` for the project. The project homepage can be found at https://codecov.io/gh/spacetelescope/jwql
- Modified ``logging_functions`` module to enable dev, test, and production logging environments
- Added convenience decorator to ``logging_functions`` module to time the execution of a function or method
- Modified ``monitor_cron_jobs`` module to make use of updated ``logging_functions``
Bug Fixes
Web Application
- Fixed API views to only return the basenames of file paths, instead of full directory names
``jwql`` Repository
- Fixed ``logging_functions`` module to properly parse new format of ``INSTALL_REQUIRES`` dependency in ``setup.py`` for logging system dependencies and their versions
- Fixed ``Jenkinsfile`` to not allow for one failed unit test in Jenkins builds