
Latest version: v0.29.1

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* **[DEPRECATION]** Support for split indices (with the `-n` option) will be deprecated in the next major release. It is now recommended to use `--include-attribute` and `--exclude-attribute` options, similar to Cellranger's `mkref` options (https://support.10xgenomics.com/single-cell-gene-expression/software/pipelines/latest/advanced/references), to `kb ref` to reduce index size and memory usage.

* A remote URL may be provided as the `fasta` (genomic FASTA) and/or `gtf` (gene annotation GTF) arguments. Support from `ngs_tools 1.5.13`.
* GTF is now allowed to have 0-length segments (https://github.com/pachterlab/kallisto/issues/340).

* **[DEPRECATION]** Technology `SMARTSEQ` is now deprecated. All future uses should use `BULK`, `SMARTSEQ2` or `SMARTSEQ3`.
* Genes that do not have a gene name will now have their gene IDs in the `gene_name` column (or the `adata.var_names` if `--gene-names` is used).
* Support for `--workflow lamanno` for `-x BULK` and `-x SMARTSEQ2` technologies.


* Added the `compile` command. See below for more information. (139)
* Fixed an issue where a call to kallisto would hang indefinitely due to a full stderr buffer.
* Changed docstring style to Google-style. Added typings to all functions.
* Updated kallisto binaries to `v0.48.0`.
* Updated bustools binaries to `v0.41.0`.
* Added binary compatibility checks. If a binary is incompatible, `kb compile` is suggested.

* This command can be used to compile the `kallisto` and/or `bustools` binary from source. At the most basic level, it downloads the latest release source distributions from the respective GitHub repositories, compiles them, and places them where `kb` can automatically detect them.
* The `target` positional argument specifies which binary (or both) to compile. Possible values are `kallisto`, `bustools` and `all`.
* The `--url` optional argument may be provided with a URL to a remote archive that will be used instead of the latest GitHub release. When this option is used, `target` may not be `all`.
* * The `--ref` optional argument may be provided with a commit hash or git tag. When this option is used, `target` may not be `all`.
* The `-o` optional argument may be used to place the compiled binaries in a different directory. Note that if this option is used, `--kallisto` and `--bustools` options will have to be set appropriately when running `ref` or `count`.
* The `--view` option may be used to simply view what binaries (their locations and versions) will be used by `kb`.
* The `--remove` option may be used to remove existing compiled binaries.
* The `--overwrite` option may be used to overwrite existing compiled binaries.
* The `kallisto` compilation follows https://pachterlab.github.io/kallisto/source and has the same dependencies.
* The `bustools` compilation follows https://bustools.github.io/source and has the same dependencies.
* The `--cmake-arguments` argument may be used to pass in a string of additional arguments to pass directly to the `cmake` command. For instance, to manually specify additional include directories, `--cmake-arguments "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='-I /usr/include'"`
* Note that the compilation is performed in shared mode, which means the binary will contain links to shared libraries (i.e. not statically linked).

* Added `--include-attribute` and `--exclude-attribute` options which can be used to include/exclude specific GTF entries based on their attributes. The argument to these options must be in the form of a `key:value` pair, where `key` is a GTF attribute name and `value` is the value of the aforementioned attribute to include/exclude. Only one of these two options may be specified, and each option may be specified more than once. When multiple `--include-attribute` are provided, GTF entries that have any one of the attributes will be processed. When multiple `--exclude-attribute` are provided, GTF entries that have any one of the attributes will not be processed.

* Added `--filter-threshold` option to specify the barcode filter threshold. This option may only be used when also providing `--filter bustools` and indicates the minimum number of times a barcode must appear to be retained from filtering. (142)
* Added `--strand` option to override automatic strandedness setting by `kallisto bus`. Available options are `unstranded`, `forward`, and `reverse`.
* Changed the `transcript_ids` column to be a semicolon-delimited string instead of a list (only applicable when `--tcc` is provided) as a workaround for an issue with writing lists to h5ad with `h5py>=3`. 141
* Added `BULK` and `SMARTSEQ2` technologies. The two technologies behave identically. The FASTQs may be provided either directly via command-line (*only for multiplexed samples*), in which case `kb` will perform demultiplexing, or as a single batch definition text file (*only for demultiplexed samples*). See https://pachterlab.github.io/kallisto/manual section about `batch.txt` for formatting. This batch textfile may also contain remote urls to FASTQ files, which will be streamed for supported operating systems. Additionally, added `--parity`, `--fragment-l` and `--fragment-s` options, which may only be provided for these technologies. The first must always be provided, indicating the parity of the reads (`single`, `paired`), and the latter two may only be provided when `--parity single` is also provided, specifying the mean length of the fragments and standard deviation of the fragment lengths.
* **DEPRECATION** The `SMARTSEQ` technology has been deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Instead, `SMARTSEQ2` should be used. See previous point for more information.
* Added `SMARTSEQ3` technology.
* The full binary path is used for `--dry-run` instead of an alias.
* Added `--umi-gene` option, which deduplicates UMIs by gene. Can not be used with smartseq or bulk technologies.
* Added `--em` option, which estimated gene abundances using the EM algorithm. Can not be used with smartseq or bulk technologies, or with `--tcc`.
* Fixed an issue that occurs when the `-o` option to `bustools count` already exists, but as a directory. For instance, `counts_unfiltered/cells_x_genes`. Such folders are removed before running the command.
* Improved output file validation so that all expected files must exist.
* Added `--gene-names` option, which may only be used with `--h5ad` or `-loom` and not `--tcc`. By specifying this option, the output h5ad or loom matrix will be aggregated by gene names instead of IDs.
* Added support for the following technologies: `BDWTA` (BD Rhapsody), `SPLIT-SEQ`, `Visium` (10x).


* Hotfix for 10x Feature Barcode map when `-x 10x:FB` (146)


* Fixed an issue with a dangling keyword argument when concatenating files (132).

* Fixed an issue where using `-x smartseq` would check for the `--nucleus` flag, which was deprecated in the previous version (133).


- Deprecated `--lamanno` and `--nucleus` flags. Use `--workflow` instead.
- Updated `setup.py` so that tests don't get installed.
- Fixed an issue where `requirements.txt` would not be included in the Pypi upload.


*This version has been yanked due to an issue with installation. Do not try to install this version!*

- Added a check for whether the temporary directory exists. If it does, now prints out an error and exits. (119)
- Logging is now handled by a specialized logger implemented in the `ngs-tools` library, which provides logger namespacing.
- Updated supported technologies text and syntax for `kb --list` so that they are more compact. Added link to the kallisto manual for custom technology definitions.
- Updated citation in `info`.

- Fixed `--tmp` option to set the temporary directory properly (122)
- Major refactor of FASTA and GTF parsing. All relevant functions were replaced with appropriate ones from the `ngs-tools` library. The ones provided in this library are far more robust in dealing with GTF entries (especially missing attributes). FASTA and GTF files no longer have to be sorted nor decompressed. These all result in an approximately order-of-magnitude speedup in splitting the genomic FASTA. Additionally, more helpful error messages are printed, which should help user debuggability.
- Fixed an issue where no logging messages were displayed when downloading a reference with `-d`.

- Whitelists are now provided by the `ngs-tools` library.

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