Improved organization and relationships to facilitate the inference of similar simulation algorithms
- Nested dynamic flux balance (KISAO_0000499) analysis under hybrid method (KISAO_0000352)
- Moved 'has characteristic' some 'ordinary differential equation problem' from DA-DFBA (KISAO_0000502) to parent (dynamic flux balance analysis (KISAO_0000499))
- Corrected relationship for stochastic Runge-Kutta method (KISAO_0000564) `'has characteristic' max 1 'stochastic differential equation problem' to `'has characteristic' some 'stochastic differential equation problem'`
- Added relationship for stochastic Runge-Kutta method (KISAO_0000564) `'has characteristic' some 'stochastic system behaviour'` (KISAO_0000104)
- Added relationship for stochastic Runge-Kutta method (KISAO_0000564) `not ('has characteristic' some 'ordinary differential equation problem')` (KISAO_0000374)
- Added `is hybrid of` relationships for VCell hybrid methods (KISAO_0000598, KISAO_0000599, KISAO_0000600)
- Added more detail to `is hybrid of` relationships for Pahle hybrid methods (children of KISAO_0000231)
- Added `'is hybrid of' some (LSODA and LSODAR)` to hybrid LSODA/LSODAR method (KISAO_0000560)
- Relabeled hybrid LSODA/LSODAR method (KISAO_0000560)
- Added alt label `Gillespie's` algorithm to Gillespie direct algorithm (KISAO_0000029)
- Added relationship 'has characteristic' some hybridity to BKMC (KISAO_0000581)
- Nested `Composite-rejection stochastic simulation algorithm` (KISAO_0000610) under accelerated SSA (KISAO_0000333)
- Added updating policy chacteristics to logical simulation methods (children of KISAO_0000448)
- Added parent term for parsimonious FBA methods (children of KISAO_0000620)
- Nested methods under generalized SSA (KISA_0000335)
- bunker (KISAO_0000618)
- EMC (KISAO_0000619)
- iSSA (KISAO_0000611)
- NMC (KISAO_0000613)
- Bortz-Kalos-Lebowitz algorithm (KISAO_0000051)
- Gillespie multi-particle method (KISAO_0000075)
- Added organizational term for stochastic simulation leaping methods (KISAO_0000621)
- Added missing exact (KISAO_0000236) vs approximate (KISAO_0000237) characteristics for non-generalized Gillespie-like methods
- Added organizational term for flux balance methods (KISAO_0000622)
- Added 'flux balance problem' (KISAO_0000623)