
Latest version: v12.4

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- Fixed bug 988332 - Added one permission protected XMLRPC API to add group
for a user.


- Fixed bug 545082 - Test case sort order is shared across plans for
cloned cases
- Fixed bug 589633 - Not able to change author of plan
- Fixed bug 646325 - [FEAT]cases link doesn't link to the special cases
- Fixed bug 657160 - [TCMS3.2-2][RFE]Add tips after saving the basic
information in the home page (Nitrate 3.2-2)
- Fixed bug 658339 - [TCMS3.2-2]The "Upload" button is stealing the function
of "Create test plan" button when create new test plan
- Fixed bug 661613 - [Test Plan]Click "Upload" button without browse the
attachment will report 404 error
- Fixed bug 664700 - [FEAT] TCMS - NitrateXmlrpc: add method for new Product
version creation
- Fixed bug 665937 - cancel all the runs you want to clone will turn to
the err page
- Fixed bug 667584 - There is a Error when exporting Test Plan without
choose a plan
- Fixed bug 668323 - add build with non-English name succeeds but warning
- Fixed bug 670996 - Sorting on test plan results page only sorts that page
instead of all the results
- Fixed bug 671457 - [RFE] removal confirmation dialogs should contain number
of removed items
- Fixed bug 672415 - Add a child node to a plan, input non-numbers, causing a
dead loop
- Fixed bug 673421 - Sometimes "file a bug on bugzilla" function doesn't work
- Fixed bug 675096 - [RFE] chart showing success rate of test-plan-runs
- Fixed bug 678052 - Tag link causes some nonsense text issues
- Fixed bug 678203 - [test plan]The product version is not inconsistency in
test plan
- Fixed bug 678220 - [Basic Information]Can not save chinese name in
basic information
- Fixed bug 678465 - [Bookmarks]The box also be checked after delete
- Fixed bug 678468 - [Bookmarks]There is no warning UI when delete bookmark
without any choice
- Fixed bug 678513 - [Search Plan]there is UnicodeEncodeError when searching
plan via chinese tag
- Fixed bug 678962 - [Component]Suggest pop-up the confirm UI when remove
- Fixed bug 678975 - [tag]The link of tag list cause the filter is not
- Fixed bug 679242 - [Test Case]Click "Upload" button without browse the
attachment will report 404 error
- Fixed bug 679243 - [Test Plan][RFE]Suggest to add the back button when
add attachment in test plan
- Fixed bug 679662 - [Clone Case]The "Autoproposed" can not be clone to
the new case
- Fixed bug 679663 - [Clone case]Can not select "Use the same Plan" after
save the clone case without any plan
- Fixed bug 679675 - [Test Run]There is a UnicodeEncodeError when add a
chinese tag
- Fixed bug 680379 - [Reporting]Click the plan number the result is not
- Fixed bug 681328 - Filters are reset when cases are reordered
- Fixed bug 682077 - [Quick search]quick search run,it goes to a error page.
- Fixed bug 690057 - [test run]the test case detail will be auto updated
without click update
- Fixed bug 691413 - Reporting -> Custom page starts with
'No builds found with search condition.'
- Fixed bug 693281 - Web UI: drop down / list fields' values should be
sorted alphabetically
- Fixed bug 697252 - TCMS - nitrate xmlrpc: failed to attach bug info to
- Fixed bug 701591 - [Test case] Suggest "update component" should be
"Add component" in test case and del the "remove" button
- Fixed bug 701697 - Email notification has syntactical error (EN version) -
new test run created
- Fixed bug 703718 - [Usability] improve the layout the test case-run in run
- Fixed bug 704101 - [Test Case] export test case without select any one
will generate an error XML
- Fixed bug 705983 - [report] product overview tab title can't be seen
because the font is white.
- Fixed bug 706062 - bugs shown in testcase detail
- Fixed bug 707455 - [Test run]Can not re-order test cases in test run
- Fixed bug 708883 - Click Bug Id could not link to bugzilla
- Fixed bug 709764 - caserun link doesn't focus case in run
- Fixed bug 710104 - Ordered list function of WYSIWYG: Numbers are not
- Fixed bug 711005 - Return all relevant information in xml-rpc call
- Fixed bug 711657 - The printable GUI can't show correctly
- Fixed bug 712772 - [Test case]Export testcase without select any one
- Fixed bug 712789 - Cannot open attachments
- Fixed bug 713662 - [Extremely Urgent] Some test plans lost all|most|some
test cases this afternoon.
- Fixed bug 715209 - 100% Completion graphical progress bar does not look
100%, it has still a gap to be filled.
- Fixed bug 716499 - TestPlan.update() unable to update product version
- Fixed bug 717521 - [test plan]spelling mistake on mouse over show
- Fixed bug 717683 - XMLRPC: Unable to remove tag from plan
- Fixed bug 717870 - problem to clone plan no. 3486
- Fixed bug 719253 - [UI]UI problem of the input box for adding comment


- Fixed bug 590817 - Build reports include incorrect values
- Fixed bug 642246 - Custom build report is incomplete
- Fixed bug 653919 - [FEAT] filtering case-runs according to test-plan
- Fixed bug 691412 - [TCMS] [Reporting] : no way to search according to
case priority or plan tags
- Fixed bug 691695 - [TCMS] [Reporting] : generate reports per user
- Fixed bug 691696 - [TCMS] [Reporting] : generate reports for few build
[multi selection]
- Fixed bug 706839 - [Advanced search]When click link "Return to homepage",
come out warning "Bad Request"
- Fixed bug 707243 - bug links don't work


- Fixed bug 690423 - [xmlrpc] - xmlrpc loses connection to the server after
a short timeout
- Fixed bug 593760 - xmlrpc doc doesn't match actual behavior: TestRun.update
- Fixed bug 593805 - xmlrpc Testcase.update fails when using certain arguments
- Fixed bug 662885 - Product version update failed for run 15325.
- Fixed bug 656098 - [FEAT] Relationship query
- Fixed bug 699311 - [New Plan]There aren't permissions to add
"classification", "products", "versions"
- Fixed bug 705975 - [Printable copy]Can not printable copy one/more/all
plan(s) in search list
- Fixed bug 705974 - [Export plan]Can not export one/more/all plan(s) in
search list
- Fixed bug 697577 - pattern ID pointing to wrong place
- Fixed bug 682081 - [Test Case]Create a case with all fields,The UI is mess.
- Fixed bug 603622 - TestCase.add_component: adding already attached
component results in traceback
- Fixed bug 637715 - TestCaseRun.update() should set tester to
authenticated user
- Fixed bug 634295 - [FEAT]Bulk status change.
- Fixed bug 683844 - Update TinyMCE editor to recent version
- Fixed bug 683074 - One bug listed many times
- Fixed bug 669049 - [RFE] Editing a testrun - add a build.
- Fixed bug 644748 - Nitrate XML-RPC Service: failed to create new TestRun
using the 'TestRun.create' verb.
- Fixed bug 587716 - FEAT - Need a new API call - to return a user object
based on user ID's - such as tested_by_id
- Fixed bug 593091 - Programmatic access to TCMS via API requires user's
Kerberos username/password
- Fixed bug 583136 - testplan.filter() returns plan objects that lack
complete information
- Fixed bug 696047 - Default font size is too small in editor.
- Fixed bug 672124 - Default tester does not have permission to execute
test run.
- Fixed bug 678184 - [Test Run]There are error info sorting test case in
test run
- Fixed bug 680064 - [Test Run]The product version will be added to build list
when Create New Test Run
- Fixed bug 690741 - [test run]Suggest can not remove the bug from other run
- Fixed bug 680032 - [Clone case][RFE]Add "cancel" button in
mulitple clone page
- Fixed bug 680317 - [Test Run]The update function is invalid in test case run
- Fixed bug 680318 - [Create run]There is Warning about Data truncated when
create run with more than 255 in summary
- Fixed bug 680380 - [Reporting]The warning UI is jumbled after select without
choose product
- Fixed bug 679638 - [Test case]Print test case without choose any one is
the same to choose all
- Fixed bug 698035 - [Sentmail]the reviewer received the TCMS mail rather
than stage
- Fixed bug 593818 - Setting status=1 in TestRun.update should leave it
in STOPPED state, but UI shows RUNNING
- Fixed bug 598882 - Changing status icon to 'start' or 'in progress'
("play" icon) jumps to next test case
- Fixed bug 663364 - [FEAT]Unable to search for multiple authors.
- Fixed bug 665052 - [FEAT] add test-case/test-run creation/completion date
search criteria
- Fixed bug 671454 - [FEAT] search test-case by script
- Fixed bug 684804 - service error when accessing test-case from plan
it is not a member of
- Fixed bug 615914 - [FEAT] searches with multiple products selected
- Fixed bug 670759 - [FEAT]Add a search item "Case Id"
- Fixed bug 680430 - [FEAT] search for test-cases from different products
- Fixed bug 653919 - [FEAT] filtering case-runs according to test-plan
- Fixed bug 542968 - [FEAT]Nitrate doesn't allow group operations on
test case runs
- Fixed bug 564316 - [FEAT] tag searching - bugzilla-like categories or
negative searching & regexps


- Fixed global plan search issue.


- Optimized the performance for pagination
- Fixed 630604 - disabled test cases included in /plan/<XYZ>/printable/
- Fixed 564258 - [REF] Ability to export/print specified cases
- Fixed UI Bug 626276 - [TCMS]reporting:link to failed test cases not working
- Fixed UI Bug 633618 - Tree view - text changes
- Fixed 633681 - JS error info in "search plan" and "search case" page …
- Fixed 634045 - Tag auto-completion failed to work.

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