- First open sourced version.
- Added all of docs lacked for installation/upgrading/usage.
- Fixed 604206 - TestCase.link_plan() does not report errors
- Completed feature 609842 - [FEAT] provide buglist link in addition to ...
- Fixed 611354 - [Text] Updates to automation options.
- Fixed UI Bug 609760 - Add Tag text "Ok, I see" needs updating.
- Fixed UI Bug 606730 - favicon.ico should use transparency
- Fixed 612797 - Test run env value permission check issue
- Fixed 612022 - Change Automation status window appears when no test …
- Fixed 609776 - Tag autocomplete is case sensitive.
- Fixed 612881 - The filter for 'Automated' 'Manual' 'Autoproposed' is …
- Fixed 613480 - No way is provided to go back to the plan after cloning a …
- Fixed UI Bug 610127 - show/highlight test-case-runs assigned to me when
executing …
- Fixed UI Bug 612880 - Need total number for filter out result
- Completed feature 607844 - (RFE) Flag tests which require the IEEE Test …
- Completed Feature 587143 - [FEAT] Have a default component when creating …
- Move the compoent of the case to be a tab
- Use the updateObject() function to reimplemented multiple operations.
v3.0.3-2.svn2859 (Jun 28 2010)
- Fixed bug 604860. Modify ComponentAdmin?'s search_fields from
(('name',)) …
- Update the plan list & case list & run list
- Update the case run list
- Change from_config()'s return value from Nitrate to NitrateXmlrpc?
- Fixed 606751 - grammar error on dashboard
- Fixed 605918 - Submitting larger comments fails
- Completed edit environment in run page
- Use updateObject() function to modify the sortkey for caserun
- Fixed create case failed issue
- Completed feature 604860 - further improvement Add 'pk' for each item
under …
- Fixed 608545 - [REF] Simplify the estimation time choosing
- Fixed TestCase?.link_plan function returns
- Fixed 603752 - Cannot reassign tests in this test run: …
- Fixed 603622 - TestCase?.add_component: adding already attached component …
- Optimized front page display
v3.0.3-1.svn2841 (Jun 12 2010)
- Fixed UI Bug 600198 - TCMS][3.0.2-1] - Buttons not Visible in Add New Test …
- Completed feature 588974 - Make edit work flow more efficient
- Fixed remove case function in plan
- Fixed 602183 - TestCase.create requires plan id
- Fixed 602292 - TestCase.create() does not save "estimated_time"
- Fixed 601836 - Unable to change test case category using XML-RPC
- Completed Feature 587143 - [FEAT] Have a default component when creating …
- Fixed UI Bug 601693 - Test case field "arguments" not available in the web …
- Completed Feature 597094 - Edit environment of existing test run is not …
- Completed Feature 598882 - Changing status icon to 'start' or 'in …
- Initial completed feature 595372 - Environment available through xml-rpc
- Fixed 603127 - Quick test case search broken
- Fixed UI Bug 591783 - The assigned run should be in my run page
- Fixed edit env property/value name to exist name caused 500 error
v3.0.2-2.svn2819 (Jun 8 2010)
- Fixed 598935 - strip whitespace when adding bug numbers
- Fixed 598909 - Bugs filed from tcms contains HTML
- Fixed UI Bug 599465 - Filtering test plans based on the author broken
- Fixed 593091 - Programmatic access to TCMS via API requires user's
Kerberos username/password
- Fixed tags lacked after search issue.
- Optimized batch automated operation form
- Fixed some UI issues.
v3.0.2-1.svn2805 (Jun 3 2010)
- Use livepiple to replace scriptaculous and clean up the js codes.
- Added initial data for syncdb.
- Added unit test script.
- Merged testplans.views.cases and testcases.views.all
- Ability to mark test case as 'Manual', 'Automated' and 'Autopropsed'
- Fixed TestRun.update() XML-RPC docs.
- Fixed 593805 - xmlrpc Testcase.update fails when using certain arguments.
- Fixed 593664 - Misinterpreted e-mail about test run.
- Fixed UI Bug 591819 - Icons and links made mistakes in test review.
- Fixed UI BUg 594623 - Test run CC can not be added.
- Completed FEAT Bug 583118 - RFE: Attachments for test-runs.
- Fixed 594432 - tags are not imported from xml.
- Completed FEAT 586085 - Don't select ALL test case after changing status
- Completed FEAT UI Bug 539077 - Provide an overall status on main
test run page
- Completed FEAT BUg 574172 - If you sort a column in a plan,
the filter options …
- Fixed Bug 567495 - Sort by category for 898 test cases results in 'Request …
- Completed FEAT 597705 - TCMS: Unknown user: when user name have space
before or …
- Fixed Bug 597132 - Cannot add environment properties to test run
- Completed FEAT 578731 - Ability to view/manage all tags of case/plan.
- Fixed Bug 595680 - TCMS: cannot disable a test plan
- Fixed Bug 594566 - Get test case category by product is broken
v3.0.1-3.svn2748 (May 19 2010)
- Fixed 592212 - Search for test cases covering multiple bugs
- Fixed 543985 - sort testplans on "clone test case" page alphabetically
- Fixed 561234 - [feature request]should filter out “the space” key in all …
- Fixed UI Bug 577124 - [TCMS] - "Show comments" without number --remove …
- Fixed UI Bug 592974 - Adding a test case to a plan using plan id does not …
- Fixed report 500 service error
- Fixed 592973 - Add cases from other plans fails with a service error
- Fixed get_components XML-RPC typo mistake and added docs to new filter …
v3.0.1-2.svn2736 (May 13 2010)
- Completed signal handler for mailing by a standalone threading
- Fixed test plan link for 591819
- Fixed 519029
- Optimized the menu style
v3.0.1-1.svn2728 (May 11 2010)
- Refined whole UI.
- Optimized query count for performance.
- Add examples to XML-RPC docs.
- Completed following methods for XML-RPC: Product.filter(),
- Product.filter_categories(), Product.filter_components(),
- Product.get_component(), Product.get_tag(), Product.get_versions(),
- Product.lookup_id_by_name(), TestCase.calculate_average_estimated_time(),
- TestCase.calculate_total_estimated_time(), User.filter(), User.get(),
- User.update().
- Fixed UI bugs: 590647, 583908, 570351, 588970, 588565, 578828, 562110,
- 582958, 542664.
- Fixed app bugs: 582517, 582910, 584838, 586684, 584342, 578828
- 577820, 583917, 562110, 580494, 570351, 589124, 577130, 561406,
586085, 588595, 560791, 584459.
v3.0-1b2.svn2665 (Apr 16 2010)
- Fixed 582517 - remove tag doesn't work
- Fixed 582910 - Automatic Display of Next Test Case Not working properly.
- Fixed 574663
- Completed Ability to edit environment for existed test run
- Completed change case run assignee feature
- Completed get form ajax responder
- Optimized get info responder
v3.0-1b1.svn2650 (Apr 14 2010)
- Initial completed most new features, extend database schema
- Initial completed bookmark(watch list) feature(Models added)
- Initial completed modify run environment value feature(Backend code)
- Extend the schema for outside bug track system(Backend code)
- Improve run mail feature
- Optimized XML-RPC and the docs
- Fixed 'Save and add another' crash when create new case
- Fixed Assign case to run and create new run without default tester.
- Fixed Build.create() bug
- Fixed TestRun.get_test_case_runs() bug
v2.3-5.svn2599 (Apr 1 2010)
- Fixed add tag to run cause to crash issue.
v2.3-4.svn2594 (Mar 29 2010)
- Completed create/update functions for XML-RPC.
- Fixed web browser compatible issues.
- Improve review case progress.
v2.3-3.svn2577 (Mar 23 2010)
- Fixed Webkit based browser compatible issues
- Fixed TinyMCE in Webkit based browser compatible issues
- Fixed UI Bug: 570351
- Fixed UI Bug: 553308
v2.3-2.svn2568 (Mar 22 2010)
- Fixed search case without product issue(r2567)
- Fixed create run foot UI issue(r2566)
- Fixed update component in search case issue(r2565)
v2.3-1.svn2564 (Mar 18 2010)
- Complete most of XML-RPC functions.
- Complete batch operation for case including setting priority, add/remove tag.
- Fixed most of bugs.
v2.2-4.svn2504 (Mar 17 2010)
- Fixed version in web ui incorrect.
v2.2-3.svn2504 (Mar 12 2010)
- HOT BUG FIXING - 572487
v2.2-2.svn2504 (Mar 4 2010)
- Fixed UI bug: Execute link exceed the width issue
- Fixed UI bug: CC for run page display issue
v2.2-1.svn2500 (Mar 1 2010)
- Add a new serializer for XMLRPC serialization
- Fixed KerbTransport authorization issue
- Change deployment method to WSGI
- A lot of bugs fixing for application.
- Fixed a lot of UI bugs
v2.1-4.svn2461 (Feb 11 2010)
- Fixed application bug 561620
- Fixed web UI bug 529807
- Fixed web UI bug 561610
- Fixed web UI bug 552923
- Fixed web UI bug 561252
- Fixed web UI bug 553308
- Fixed web UI bug 558955
- Fixed web UI bug 560091
- Fixed web UI bug 560055
v2.1-3.svn2449 (Feb 2 2010)
- Remove product version from case search page.
- Optimize search case form.
v2.1-2.svn2446 (Feb 2 2010)
- Fixed the case display with the bug added directly in case page in run issue.
- Fixed edit case component selector issue.
- Case product link to category now, disconnect from plan.
v2.1-1.svn2443 (Feb 1 2010)
- Rewrite get case details to ajax code, for optimize performance
- Add tag support for test run
- Add bug to case directly now supported.
v2.0-3.svn2403 (Jan 18 2010)
- Fixed hot issue 556382
v2.0-2.svn2402 (Jan 18 2010)
- Fixed auto blind down issue
- Fixed 555702
- Fixed 555703
- Fixed 555707 and 554676
- Completed add tag to case/plan when create backend function
v2.0-1.svn2394 (Jan 15 2010)
- Fixed most of bugs
- The component will add to new product specific in clone function
- Use Cache backend to handle session
- More optimization
v2.0-1RC.svn2368 (Jan 11 2010)
- Fixed a lot of bugs
- Optimize new comment system
- Completed new log system
- Add new case fiter to plan
- Improve new review workflow
- Update setup.py
v2.0-1beta.svn2318 (Dec 29 2009)