Released on 01-11-2016.
- Changed ``WORKER_MAX_LOAD`` behavior.
``None`` disables the feature.
Set to ``-1`` for number of CPUs on host.
- Add argumens to worker command to override ``WORKER_MAX_LOAD`` and
``WORKER_MAX_RUN_TIME`` config values.
- Renamed ``ConnectionError`` to ``HeartbeatError``.
- Removed ``Task.run_in_queue`` method.
Use ``Task.send_to_queue`` with ``wait_result`` argument instead.
- Removed ``local`` argument from ``Task.send_to_queue`` method.
Pass ``host="localhost"`` for sending to local queue.
- Removed ``local`` argument from worker command.
If queue name ends with ``".localhost"`` hostname will be appended to queue name.
- Removed deprecated ``Worker.queue`` property.
- Removed ``WORKER_LOGGING_CONFIG`` configuration value.
- Added ``--logging-level`` to worker command arguments.
- Removed ``Worker.config`` property.
- Added ``message_ttl`` argument to ``Task.send_to_queue`` method.