
Latest version: v10.1.0

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Released on 18-10-2016.

- Fixed 1 second delay after processing a task.
- Fixed a depreciation warning from recent version of amqp library.



Released on 11-03-2016.

- Workers can consume tasks from multiple queues.



Released on 12-02-2016.

- Export Task.name property for fixing a bug in kuyruk-manager.



Released on 08-02-2016

- Fixed a bug related with Python 2.7.11, uWSGI and setproctitle.



Released on 03-12-2014.

This is major rewrite of Kuyruk and it is not backwards compatible.

- Added Python 3 support.
- Replaced pika with amqp.
- Fixed multi-threading issues.
- Removed master subcommand.
- Removed scheduler subcommand.
- Removed requeue subcommand.
- Removed manager subcommand.
- Exceptions are not sent to Sentry.
- Failed tasks are not saved to Redis anymore.
- Failed tasks are retried in the same worker.
- Unknown keys in config are now errors.
- Changed some config variable names.
- Worker command takes Kuyruk instance instead of config file.



Released on 25-08-2014.

- Fixed a worker startup bug happens when running workers as another user.

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