
Latest version: v0.18.10

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Not secure
Bug Fixes:
* `lapdog initialize-project` can now be safely rerun if it fails


Not secure
Bug Fixes:
* `lapdog initialize-project` now enables required billing apis before linking billing accounts
* Removed invalid permissions from IAM Role definitions


Not secure
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed an issue with `lapdog.SubmissionAdapter` not recognizing some workflow events
* Fixed an issue with how some input metadata was unpacked inside Cromwell
* Reduced strain on Cromwell Server API by using a limited connection pool

Other Changes:
* Improved how `lapdog.SubmissionAdapter` estimates cost when the submission is still live


Not secure
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed `lapdog.SubmissionAdapter` not recognizing extended memory machines as valid
* Fixed not being able to start Cromwell servers with large amounts of memory

New Features:
* Added `quotas` endpoint to Lapdog Engine
* Lapdog UI automatically registers user with Lapdog Engine when visiting workspace
* `lapdog.WorkspaceManager` now automatically adds proxy account to workspaces when creating

Other Changes:
* Lapdog UI now reports number of pending offline operations
* Updated IAM Role definitions


Not secure
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed an issue which prevented users besides the owner of an Engine from querying genomics operations
* Reduced the frequency of FireCloud API errors during registration

New Features:
* Enabled automated project initialization


Not secure
Lapdog Engine

This version overhauled the Lapdog cloud backend. All interactions with cloud resources
(starting, aborting, and tracking jobs) is handled through a "Gateway" object which
connects a local Lapdog client with cloud resources ("Engine"). Each Lapdog Engine
is responsible for a single FireCloud namespace. Currently Engines must be initialized
manually, but in future, the Gateway will be capable of running one-time setup for
Lapdog Engines.

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed runtime configuration not being passed through Lapdog Gateway
* Fixed `` using wrong session object

New Features:
* Bark! Bark!

Other Changes:
* Improved UI feedback for Lapdog Engine state
* Lapdog Cloud `register` endpoint can now be re-run if it fails partway
* Removed Lapdog Gateway warning from UI
* Lapdog UI Workspace cache is now a switch instead of a button with multiple states
* Updated ui dependencies (Please run `lapdog ui --install` again to update)


Versions of Lapdog prior to `0.10.0` did not use a Gateway or Engine.
These versions utilized your personal Google Cloud account and project to
run jobs. These versions are no longer supported, and changes will be recorded very

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