- Test suite refactored - Fixed single object search response error - Changed attributes returned in search from tuple to dict - Added 'raw_attributes' key in search response to hold undecoded (binary) attribute values read from ldap - Added __repr__ for Server and Connection objects to re-create the object instance
- Added autoReferral feature as per RFC4511 (4.1.10) - Added allowedReferralHosts to conform to Security considerations of RFC4516
- Add validation to Abandon operation - Added connection.request to hold a dictionary of infos about last request - Added info about outstanding operation in connection.strategy._oustanding - Implemented RFC4515 for search filter coding and decoding - Added a parser to build filter string from LdapMessage
- Refactoring of the connection and strategy classes - Added the ldap3.strategy namespace to contain client connection strategies - Added ssl authentication - Moved authentication parameters from Server object to Connection object - Added ssl parameters to Server Object
- Fixed AsyncThreaded strategy with _outstanding and _responses attributes to hold the pending requests and the not-yet-read responses - Added Extended Operation - Added "Unsolicited Notification" discover logic - Added managing of "Notice of Disconnection" from server to properly close connection
- Update setup with setuptools 0.7 - Docstrings added to class - Removed ez_setup dependency - Removed distribute dependency