- Added items() to CaseInsensitiveDict class (thanks Jan-Hendrik) - Added set_config_parameter() in ldap3 namespace to modify the values of the configurable parameters of ldap3 - Added microsoft.extend.modify_password() extended operation to change AD password - Fixed find_active_random_server() in pooling (thanks Sargul) - Fixed referral decoding in fast ber decoder (thanks TWAC)
- Added LDAPI (LDAP over IPC) support for unix socket communication - Added mandatory_in and optional_in in server schema for attribute types. Now you can see in which classes attributes are used - Added last_transmitted_time and last_received_time to Usage object to track time of the last sent and received operation - Exception SessionTerminatedByServer renamed to SessionTerminatedByServerError and added to ldap3 namespace - Added get_config_parameter() in ldap3 namespace to read the current value of ldap3 configurable parameters - Added SASL mechanism name as constants in the ldap3 namespace - Added escape_filter_chars in utils.conv (thanks Peter) - Reverted ALL_ATTRIBUTES behaviour in search to (thanks Petros)
- Fixed hasattr() behaviour for Entry object in Python 3 - Allows empty sasl_credentials in SASL bind - Added POOLING_LOOP_TIMEOUT constant to specify how many seconds the server pooling strategy has to wait before retrying if it did not find an active server (defaults to 10) - Pooling strategy now allows to specify the number of cycles to try when finding a server (with active=N) - Pooling strategy now allows to specify how many seconds a server must be considered offline before retrying to check for availabiliry (with exhaust=N) - Connection.entries defaults to empty list - ALL_ATTRIBUTES don't send any attribute in the attribute list (was sending '*') while searching - Added DirSync extended function for Microsoft Active Directory - Added LDAP_SERVER_DIRSYNC_OID control for Microsoft Active Directory - Added LDAP_SERVER_EXTENDED_DN_OID control for Microsoft Active Directory - Added LDAP_SERVER_SHOW_DELETED_OID control for Microsoft Active Directory - Fixed AD tests for single valued attributes - Added ACL attribute in the ATTRIBUTES_EXCLUDED_FROM_CHECK list
- Allows empty member values in groups while adding - this should not be as per rfc4511 4.1.7, but some servers expects it (thanks John) - Faster case insensitive dict while getting and setting key (thanks Pierre) - Updated setuptools to 18.3.2 - Updated wheel to 0.26 - Tested against Python 2.6 - Python 2.7 - Python 3.3 - Python 3.4 - Python 3.5 - pypy - pypy3
- Fixed boolean value for True value in ASN.1 encoding for certain ldap servers. (thanks Will) - Fixed follow auto referrals. (thanks WIll) - Now protocol defined integer values can be used for scope and derefAliases arguments when searching. (thanks Will) - Added description field in the AttrDef object. (thanks Hogne) - Added a custom ber decoder. Decoding of received packets is now 10x faster. - Added new boolean argument fast_decoder in connection object. Defaults to True. - Highest date correctly managed by the format_ad_timestamp() formatter. (thanks Will) - Fix for latest gssapi kerberos authentication module (thanks Alex) - Added freeIPA OID descriptors - Removed unneeded OidInfo class
- Coerce objectClass to a list in Add operation. (thanks Yutaka) - ObjectClass attribute values mantain their order in the Add operation. (thanks Yutaka) - Fixed search filter composition when the value part of the assertion contains = character. (thanks Eero) - Fixed modify_password extended operation when no hash method is specified. (thanks midnightlynx) - Added credentials to kerberos authentication. (thanks Alex) - Target name can be specified in sasl_credentials for Kerberos authentication. (thanks Alex) - Target name can be read from DNS in sasl_credential for Kerberos authentication. (thanks Alex) - Fixed connection.entries error when referrals are in the search response. (thanks WIll)