- when running in python 3.4 or newer now Tls class uses SSLContext object with default secure setting
- added parameters ca_certs_path, ca_certs_data, local_private_key_password to Tls object creation, valid when using SSLContext
- in python 3.4 or newer the system CA certificates configuration can be used (just leave ca_cert_file, ca_certs_path and ca_certs_data set to None)
- removed TLSv1 as default for Tls connection
- upgraded backported ssl function from python 3.4.1 when using with python 2
- when creating a connection the server parameter can be a string: the name of the server to connect in cleartext on default port 389
- fixed bug in ldap3.util.conv.escape_bytes()
- attributes parameter in search can be a tuple
- check_names parameter in connection now defaults to True (so when schema info is available attribute and class name will be checked when performing LDAP operations)
- remove the connection.close() method - use connection.unbind()
- new exception LDAPExtensionError for signalling when the requestValue of extended operation is of an unknown ASN1 type
- exiting connection manager doesn't raise an exception if unbind is not successful (needed in long operations)
- new extended operation: modify_password (RFC3062)
- new extended operation: who_am_i (RFC4532)
- new extended operation: get_bind_dn (Novell)
- updated setuptools to version 5.3