- Controls can be added to extended operation in the extend package (thanks Hinel)
Not secure
- Fixed set_config_parameter (thanks Sigmunau) - Disabled unauthenticated authentication, see RFC 4513 section 5.1.2 (thanks Petros) - Fixed falsey value in abstract Entry object __contains__() (thanks Vampouille)
Not secure
- Allowed_referral_hosts in Server objects defaults to [('*', True)] to accept any referral server with authentication - Referral uri is now properly percent-undecoded (thanks TWAC) - Referral Server object now use the same configuration of the original Server object - Fixed __contains__() in Entry object (thanks Vampouille)
- Removed the compat package - Refactored docs for extend operations
- Private RC for production - Status moved to 5 - Production/Stable
- Added items() to CaseInsensitiveDict class (thanks Jan-Hendrik) - Added set_config_parameter() in ldap3 namespace to modify the values of the configurable parameters of ldap3 - Added microsoft.extend.modify_password() extended operation to change AD password - Fixed find_active_random_server() in pooling (thanks Sargul) - Fixed referral decoding in fast ber decoder (thanks TWAC)