
Latest version: v1.8.2

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This is our first major release due to a dependency on Python 3.8.
Lemur is now using flake8>=4.0 and pyflakes>=2.4, requiring Python 3.8 or higher.
Our GitHub Actions Builds are currently on Python 3.8 and Python 3.9.


Not secure

This release includes multiple improvements on many fronts.
The next release will be a major release, requiring Python 3.8 or higher.

Some of the notable changes in this release are:

- CloudFront Plugin: a new endpoint with rotation support
- Improved Endpoint expiration flow; the Sync job now expires old endpoints
- AWS ELB tag supports to opt-out of auto-rotate for load balancers
- Membership plugin
- Moving Travis Build to Node 16
- OAuth2 & Ping Config improvement
- Improved Certificate status check
- Improved ACME plugin:
- reuse existing domain validation resulting in faster issuance
- IP certificate issuance support, accompanied by UI support
- emit remaining domain validation
- Azure destination: Switch to PCKS12 upload
- Improved logs, such as:
- Warning logs for admin role assignment and authority creation
- Audit logs in JSON format for better search
- Improved SES logging

Special thanks to all who contributed to this release, notably:
- `Bob Shannon <https://github.com/bobmshannon>`_
- `sirferl <https://github.com/sirferl>`_
- `Sam Havron <https://github.com/havron>`_
- `Guillaume Dumont <https://github.com/dumontg>`_
- `Joe McRobot <https://github.com/JoeMcRobot>`_



This release introduces a breaking change (PR `3646 <https://github.com/Netflix/lemur/pull/3646>`_) to the following API endpoint:

- `POST /certificates/1/update/notify <https://lemur.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developer/index.html#lemur.certificates.views.Certificates.post>`_

The endpoint is now:

- `POST /certificates/1/update/switches <https://lemur.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developer/index.html#lemur.certificates.views.Certificates.post>`_

The new endpoint honors the existing `notify` request parameter, and additionally accepts a new `rotation` parameter.
As a result of this change, the certificate table view now includes rotation switches and filtering by rotation status.

Other notable changes in this release:

- New celery task to prevent duplicate certificates from being autorotated
- ACME DNS-01 Challenges are supported in synchronous mode
- DNS provider check fails gracefully if not found
- Authentication:
- SSO auth now returns a newly created user during initial login
- CSRF protection is added to OAuth2.0
- Notifications:
- New reissue failed notification
- New reissue with no endpoints notification
- New revocation notification
- Plugins:
- Plugin option values are validated server-side
- Some plugin option validations updated to compile successfully server-side
- Database:
- Source and Destination deletions remove certificate associations with new confirmation dialog
- Dependency updates and conflict resolutions
- Expanded audit logs

And several smaller bugfixes and improvements.

Special thanks to all who contributed to this release, notably:

- `havron <https://github.com/havron>`_
- `tho <https://github.com/tho>`_
- `mizzy <https://github.com/mizzy>`_


Not secure

This release fixes three critical vulnerabilities where an authenticated user could retrieve/access
unauthorized information. (Issue `3463 <https://github.com/Netflix/lemur/issues/3463>`_)


Not secure

This release includes improvements on many fronts, such as:

- Notifications:
- Enhanced SNS flow
- Expiration Summary
- CA expiration email
- EC algorithm as the default
- Improved revocation flow
- Localized AWS STS option
- Improved Lemur doc building
- reduced failed attempts to 3x trials
- support for selecting the chain (Let's Encrypt X1 transition)
- revocation
- http01 documentation
- Entrust:
- Support for cross-signed intermediate CA
- Revised disclosure process
- Dependency updates and conflict resolutions

Special thanks to all who contributed to this release, notably:

- `peschmae <https://github.com/peschmae>`_
- `atugushev <https://github.com/atugushev>`_
- `sirferl <https://github.com/sirferl>`_


Not secure

This release comes after more than two years and contains many interesting new features and improvements.
In addition to multiple new plugins, such as ACME-http01, ADCS, PowerDNS, UltraDNS, Entrust, SNS, many of Lemur's existing
flows have improved.

In the future, we plan to do frequent releases.

Summary of notable changes:

- AWS S3 plugin: added delete, get methods, and support for uploading/deleting acme tokens
- ACME plugin:
- revamp of the plugin
- support for http01 domain validation, via S3 and SFTP as destination for the acme token
- support for CNAME delegated domain validation
- store-acme-account-details
- PowerDNS plugin
- UltraDNS plugin
- ADCS plugin
- SNS plugin
- Entrust plugin
- Rotation:
- respecting keyType and extensions
- region-by-region rotation option
- default to auto-rotate when cert attached to endpoint
- default to 1y validity during rotation for multi-year browser-trusted certs
- Certificate: search_by_name, and important performance improvements
- UI
- reducing the EC curve options to the relevant ones
- edit option for notifications, destinations and sources
- showing 13 month validity as default
- option to hide certs expired since 3month
- faster Permalink (no search involved)
- commonName Auto Added as DNS in the UI
- improved search and cert lookup
- celery tasks instead of crone, for better logging and monitoring
- countless bugfixes
- group-lookup-fix-referral
- url_context_path
- duplicate notification
- digicert-time-bug-fix
- improved-csr-support
- fix-cryptography-intermediate-ca
- enhanced logging
- vault-k8s-auth
- cfssl-key-fix
- cert-sync-endpoint-find-by-hash
- nlb-naming-bug
- fix_vault_api_v2_append
- aid_openid_roles_provider_integration
- rewrite-java-keystore-use-pyjks
- vault_kv2

To see the full list of changes, you can run

$ git log --merges --first-parent master --pretty=format:"%h %<(10,trunc)%aN %C(white)%<(15)%ar%Creset %C(red bold)%<(15)%D%Creset %s" | grep -v "depend"

Special thanks to all who contributed to this release, notably:

- `peschmae <https://github.com/peschmae>`_
- `sirferl <https://github.com/sirferl>`_
- `lukasmrtvy <https://github.com/lukasmrtvy>`_
- `intgr <https://github.com/intgr>`_
- `kush-bavishi <https://github.com/kush-bavishi>`_
- `alwaysjolley <https://github.com/alwaysjolley>`_
- `jplana <https://github.com/jplana>`_
- `explody <https://github.com/explody>`_
- `titouanc <https://github.com/titouanc>`_
- `jramosf <https://github.com/jramosf>`_


.. note:: This release will need a migration change. Please follow the `documentation <https://lemur.readthedocs.io/en/latest/administration.html#upgrading-lemur>`_ to upgrade Lemur.

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