This release adds LetsEncrypt support with DNS providers Dyn, Route53, and Cloudflare, and expands on the pending certificate functionality.
The linux_dst plugin will also be deprecated and removed.
The pending_dns_authorizations and dns_providers tables were created. New columns
were added to the certificates and pending_certificates tables, (For the DNS provider ID), and authorities (For options).
Please run a database migration when upgrading.
The Let's Encrypt flow will run asynchronously. When a certificate is requested through the acme-issuer, a pending certificate
will be created. A cron needs to be defined to run `lemur pending_certs fetch_all_acme`. This command will iterate through all of the pending
certificates, request a DNS challenge token from Let's Encrypt, and set the appropriate _acme-challenge TXT entry. It will
then iterate through and resolve the challenges before requesting a certificate for each pending certificate. If a certificate
is successfully obtained, the pending_certificate will be moved to the certificates table with the appropriate properties.
Special thanks to all who helped with this release, notably:
- The folks at Cloudflare
- dmitryzykov
- jchuong
- seils
- titouanc
.. note:: This release will need a migration change. Please follow the `documentation <https://lemur.readthedocs.io/en/latest/administration.html#upgrading-lemur>`_ to upgrade Lemur.