- Python 3.13 support
- `ggtb()`: enable **zoom/pan** interactivity on plot [[983](],[[#1019](]
See [example notebook](
- Interactive **links** in tooltips/labels/texts [[1091](].
See [example notebook](
- Formatting:
- **LaTeX** support: superscript, subscript ([[861](]) and Greek letters ([[#960](]).
See [example notebook](
- Scientific notation: **compact form**. Enable the compact form using the `exponent_format` parameter in `theme()` [[1071](].
See [example notebook](
[**WARNING**] Subscripts and superscripts are not supported in PDF and PNG exports.
- In `theme()`:
- `legend_margin, legend_spacing, legend_spacing_x, legend_spacing_y, legend_box, legend_box_just, legend_box_spacing` parameters [[1180](].
See [example notebook](
- `legend_key, legend_key_size, legend_key_width, legend_key_height, legend_key_spacing, legend_key_spacing_x, legend_key_spacing_y` parameters [[1181](].
See [example notebook](
- `strip_background_x, strip_background_y, strip_text_x, strip_text_y` parameters [[1195](].
See [example notebook](
- Custom `linetype` patterns [[1198](]:
- a list specifying the pattern of dashes and gaps used to draw the line: `[dash, gap, dash, gap, ...]`;
- a list with a specified offset: `[offset, [dash, gap, dash, gap, ...]]`;
- a string of an even number (up to eight) of hexadecimal digits specifying the lengths in consecutive positions in the string.
See [example notebook](
- Geometries:
- `geom_blank()` [[831](].
- `base` parameter in `waterfall_plot()` [[1159](].
See [example notebook](
- `check_overlap` parameter in `geom_text()` and `geom_label()`.
See [example notebook](
- `marginal` parameter in `qq_plot()`:
See [example notebook](
- `inherit_aes` parameter in layers [[1172](].
- `expand_limits()` [[820](].
See [example notebook](
- Support for 3-character hex color codes
- Parameters `labwidth` in `facet_wrap()`, `x_labwidth, y_labwidth` in `facet_grid()`: the maximum label length is applied after splitting at `\n` separators, if present.
- Use `theme_light()` as the default theme in `qq_plot()`.
- [**BREAKING**] For API deprecated in v4.0 the deprecation level raised to "Error" (only relevant for Kotlin clients).
- [**BREAKING**] The 'base-midnight', 'base-antique' and 'base-flatblue' tilesets are deprecated (no longer served by CARTO) and will be removed in future releases.
- Better Marimo Support (via [PR-2084]( [[#1018](].
- Support layering `aes()` multiple times [[822](].
- waterfall_plot: faceting doesn't work without a measure mapping [[1152](].
- waterfall_plot: tooltips don't work with column names from original dataset [[1153](].
- Legend icon background is not transparent when `legend_background` is set to "blank" in `theme` [[1167](].
- Unable to display or save graph when using geom_path [[1168](].
- Legend icon background should inherit the fill color of the plot panel (i.e. grey when `theme_grey` is used).
- Vertex sampling uses different tolerances for objects within the same plot [[1174](].
- sampling_vertex_vw doesn't work as expected [[1175](].
- sampling_vertex_dp may break rings [[1176](].
- ggmarginal: bottom boxplot is broken [[1189](].
- Offscreen cells are sometimes not rendered in JupyterLab.
- The legend_justification parameter doesn't work if the legend_position='top' [[1031](].
- coord_polar: geom_point tooltips should take in account point size [[1214](].