- Python 3.10 support [[505](].
- Python 3.9: a Python wheel for macOS arm64 architecture (Apple Silicon).
- `LetsPlot.set_theme()` - configuring a default plot theme.
See: [example notebook](
- Quantile-Quantile (Q-Q) plot:
- geometries:
- `geom_qq()`
- `geom_qq_line()`
- `geom_qq2()`
- `geom_qq2_line()`
- quick Q-Q : the `qq_plot()` function in the `bistro` module.
See: [example notebook](
- Marginal plots: the `ggmarginal()` function [[200](],
See: [example notebook](
- Parameter `orientation` in geoms: `bar, boxplot, density, histogram, freqpoly, smooth, violin`.
See: [example notebook](
- New in *plot theme*:
- `face` parameter in `element_text()`.
See: [example notebook](
- `panel_border` parameter in `theme()` [[542](].
See: [example notebook](
- Tooltip theme options, new parameters in `theme()`:
- `tooltip` - tooltip rectangle options;
- `tooltip_text, tooltip_title_text` - tooltip text options;
- `axis_tooltip_text, axis_tooltip_text_x, axis_tooltip_text_y` - axis tooltip text options.
See: [example notebook](
- `scale_color_gradientn()` and `scale_fill_gradientn()` functions [[504](].
See: [example notebook](
- `geom_livemap` [**breaking change**] : `symbol="point"` now should be specified explicitly
to enable the "livemap" layer to handle provided
"point" aesthetics directly. This change doesn't affect "points" layers added via
the `geom_point()` geometry layer.
- New style of tooltip color marker (two sidebars with a stroke color)
and symbols in legend (rectangle with a stroke instead of a slash-line).
- New type of general tooltip for `geom_boxplot`: displayed under the cursor.
- Default sampling type for `geom_violin` switched from `systematic` to `pick`.
- `geom_livemap`: support of the `arrow` parameter in `geom_segment` [[131](].
- Differences in tooltip color marker for plots with and without livemap.
- Labels out of plot when axis_text_y='blank' [[525](].
- NPE in corr_plot with null coefficients.
- Outliers are not shown when boxplot' alpha=0.
- Support for polars.DataFrame [[526](].
- JFX rendering issue that causes tooltips to stuck [[539](].
- Support trim parameter in density and ydensity stats [[62](].
- Unexpected point geometries on geom_livemap() [[547](].
- `geom_violin`: add missing parameters `kernel`, `bw`, `adjust`, `n`, `fs_max` to signature and docstring.