🚀 Features
- Enhancement | Move tasks load and list to `run` command angelofenoglio (290)
- The flags for task listing and setting the task definitions file now live within the `run` command and not the root of leverage.
- [BV-267] Make sure .gitconfig is always present Franr (295)
- If leverage does not find the needed .gitconfig file it will create it for the user.
- [BV-599] Kubeconfig helper Franr (281)
- A new `discover` sub-command has been added to `leverage kubectl` to simplify management of multiple EKS clusters. [`discover` sub-command documentation](https://leverage.binbash.co/user-guide/leverage-cli/reference/kubectl/#discover).
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Bug | Catch and handle HCL parsing errors Franr (296)
- Leverage no longer crashes showing a long stack trace whenever a `config.tf` or `locals.tf` file has malformed syntax. A more friendly message is shown.
- BL-276 | Copy symlinks for common-variables.tf Franr (297)
- When creating a new project, Leverage now respects symlinks in the template instead of just copying the original file.
- Bugfix | Catch error for not found/forbidden role angelofenoglio (288)
- If for some reason the AWS config files were created such that Leverage attempts to assume for which the user has no permission. It will now show an error message instead of just crashing.
- chore: deprecate python 3.8 angelofenoglio (289)
- Python 3.8 is no longer supported.
- chore: support python 3.12 angelofenoglio (293)
- Python 3.12 is officially supported.
📝 Version Compatibility
- Toolbox Docker Image
- Recommended: [1.6.6-0.2.3](https://hub.docker.com/layers/binbash/leverage-toolbox/1.6.6-0.2.3/images/sha256-b9ba04100d4772ca69dd2e7615e745f53bb2d12ecf43b596f7b601c646ed4bdd)
- Other working versions: [1.5.0-0.2.3](https://hub.docker.com/layers/binbash/leverage-toolbox/1.5.0-0.2.3/images/sha256-bad55dd1c4253e6b42fcbe609a977ae3bcd7d7e8e82db2c9c01b391ac01447aa) [1.3.5-0.2.3](https://hub.docker.com/layers/binbash/leverage-toolbox/1.3.5-0.2.3/images/sha256-691bb6f18f682f6eb8e87be6de80f5a3af8c1ad5f6f6fe52ddfd95f04e77ff6f)