π Features
- ISSUE-123 All Layers feature juanmatias (151)
- previously Leverage CLI supported Terraform commands like this `leverage terraform plan`
- this command has to be run from inside a layer, thus it has to be run once per layer
- now it supports running from an account directory or a directory containing layers specifying the layers to apply the command to
- e.g. `leverage terraform plan --layers us-east-1/terraform-backend,global/security-audit`
- this command will apply `plan` to the layers listed in the parameter value
- the command will be applied in order (i.e. the same order the layers were set in the value)
- `--layers` is a comma-separated list of layer's relative paths
- additional parameters and flags can still be passed, e.g. `leverage terraform plan --layers us-east-1/terraform-backend,global/security-audit -out=outputfile`
- ISSUE-141 S3 Terraform backend keys juanmatias (149)
- multi-region support
- The S3 Backend keys now support region.
- Previously they were like this: `account-name/layer-name/terraform.tfstate`
- Now they accept region: `account-name/[(region|"global")]/layer-name/terraform.tfstate`
- This allows deploying a feature (layer) to multiple regions, e.g. `shared/us-east-1/k8s-eks` and `shared/us-west-1/k8s-eks`
- autogenerateion
- for a layer, if there is an S3 backend block in `` but no key is set, then Leverage CLI will try to generate a key and store it in the file
- ISSUE-146 documented new build.env format juanmatias (147)
- With Leverage CLI >=1.8.0 the `build.env` format has changed, in this issue this change was documented.
- ISSUE-135 Added basic RefArch tests juanmatias (136)
- ISSUE-139 Set specific toolbox version instead of latest juanmatias (140)
- `build.env` stores the Toolbox version. This was changed from `<terraform-version>-latest` to `<terraform-version>-<image-version>`
- this is to avoid pulling changes incompatible with the current Leverage CLI.
- Leverage CLI TFautomv command added
- this tool was added in order to make it easy creating `move` Terraform blocks for migrations
- note for using this feature you have to use Leverage Toolbox version `binbash/leverage-toolbox:1.2.7-0.1.0` or `binbash/leverage-toolbox:1.3.5-0.0.1`
- e.g. `leverage tfautomv run --show-analysis --dry-run`
- ISSUE-130 Enhancement | Refactor CLI SSO workflow to favor the reuse of the access token (130)