Release notes:
This release incorporates LFPykit (, and breaks backwards compatibility in certain cases as detalied here:
This feature/bugfix Release Candidate contains the following changesets since
2dacb9b (HEAD -> master, tag: v2.2rc5, origin/master, origin/HEAD) prep 2.2rc5 release (294)
4a474a4 extended Network.connect() save_connections feature to include all synaptic info (293)
540f094 (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Add macOS to build recipe (291)
61441f5 stale after 90 days, close after 30 (290)
3d2c34e run builds on python3.9, removed 3.6 (288)
334688f call mknrndll on Windows if it is available (284)
b0f8207 extended conda install instructions (282)
4620e8c removed print statement (281)
c8c7ff4 run coveralls after tests (279)
536ae73 goodbye travis-ci and thanks for all the fish (277)
71d1a1b missed commit (275)
f954772 bump version (274)
7a3b612 (tag: v2.2rc3) bump version (again)
df1f553 added some test files to MANIFEST, bump version
df4658e (tag: v2.2rc2) added long_description_content_type for PyPI
fd65dbc don't build wheels (272)
7ca094b test (271)
018168b bump version (need to test pythonpublish action) (270)