Feature/bugfix release candidate which:
- adds support for Python 3 (3.7>=)
- unsupports Python 2
- supports LFPy-2.2
- examples using NEST-3.0
- automates certain actions on GitHub.com
The following changes since https://github.com/INM-6/hybridLFPy/releases/tag/v0.1.3
e68806c (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.2rc4, origin/master, origin/HEAD) long_description_content_type (65)
c81d276 (tag: v0.2rc3) more consistent markup use, add toc to html docs (64)
d127f01 (tag: v0.2rc2) hope PyPI.org may parse MD properly (63)
534fa96 (tag: v0.2rc1) add numpy and Cython to python-publish action (62)
76a8d98 (tag: v0.2rc0) Fix Dockerfiles (61)
c341852 bump version number to v0.2rc0 (59)
bd8bb9c Add Dockerfile info to README etc. (58)
eba6e49 Removed Lintly badge
5f32a75 run flake8 checks before pytest (55)
ee19dad fix stale file (54)
1e74865 PEP8 formatting (53)
218e0a2 (fix-11) Add template files etc. (52)
4f865f1 Add stale action for Issues/PRs (50)
e0cf627 adding status badges, online doc fixes (49)
9565e2e set xticks (48)
fc460bf added missing scaling figure
086fa2a Update simulation codes for Nest v3.0 (9)
aec00dc (origin/legacy, legacy) Create python-publish.yml
8c656f0 readthedocs (25)
47275fa Merge pull request 16 from INM-6/ci
fdea3cd Merge pull request 8 from INM-6/lfpy2.1
55a46d6 add badge
9ad6348 add conda-forge
ffd339d travisCI files
3425ef4 added some requirements stuff
605f0fd add pip requirements file
8872046 Merge pull request 7 from INM-6/LFPy_dev
3c36e02 fix