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GitHub stats for 2015/07/29 - 2016/01/27

These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.

The following 13 authors contributed 216 commits.

* Dani Arribas-Bel
* David Folch
* Levi John Wolf
* Levi Wolf
* Philip Stephens
* Serge Rey
* Sergio Rey
* Wei Kang
* jlaura
* ljw
* ljwolf
* pedrovma

We closed a total of 86 issues, 33 pull requests and 53 regular issues;
this is the full list (generated with the script

Pull Requests (33):

* :ghpull:`724`: add synchronization tool
* :ghpull:`733`: Fb/bump
* :ghpull:`731`: Small docfixes
* :ghpull:`730`: Contrib docs
* :ghpull:`728`: B179
* :ghpull:`727`: Geodf io
* :ghpull:`725`: try pinning scipy,numpy
* :ghpull:`723`: make sure to test all moran classes
* :ghpull:`720`: Moving natural breaks to a cleaner kmeans implementation
* :ghpull:`718`: force counts to be same length as bins
* :ghpull:`714`: Dev
* :ghpull:`715`: Heads
* :ghpull:`713`: Enh712
* :ghpull:`710`: Patsy/Pandas wrapper
* :ghpull:`711`: Travis fixes
* :ghpull:`706`: precommit hook
* :ghpull:`707`: Keep dev updated with any bugfixes into master
* :ghpull:`702`: fix for chi2 test 0 denominator and invocation of chi2 test in LISA_Markov
* :ghpull:`704`: Allcloser
* :ghpull:`703`: Swapping to Allclose and RTOL=.00005 in spreg
* :ghpull:`701`: By col array
* :ghpull:`700`: small optimization of bivariate moran motivated by 695
* :ghpull:`696`: Pypi
* :ghpull:`691`: Update doctest for one-off bug that was fixed with 690
* :ghpull:`690`: fix for lisa markov one off for significance indicator
* :ghpull:`689`: Clpy flex w
* :ghpull:`688`: pep 8 edits
* :ghpull:`687`: Change array assertions into allclose
* :ghpull:`686`: Moran local bivariate
* :ghpull:`684`: 591
* :ghpull:`682`: release instructions updated
* :ghpull:`681`: version bump for next dev cycle
* :ghpull:`680`: Rel1.10

Issues (53):

* :ghissue:`705`: spreg check valve
* :ghissue:`344`: Explore new dependency on ogr
* :ghissue:`459`: Problem with bandwidth
* :ghissue:`552`: Viz organization
* :ghissue:`491`: Test np.allclose() for unit tests
* :ghissue:`529`: Clarity needed on proper reference formatting in sphinx docs
* :ghissue:`699`: Trouble importing pysal - ImportError: DLL load failed
* :ghissue:`716`: `min_threshold_dist_from_shapefile` creating an island in some cases
* :ghissue:`724`: add synchronization tool
* :ghissue:`733`: Fb/bump
* :ghissue:`731`: Small docfixes
* :ghissue:`730`: Contrib docs
* :ghissue:`719`: pysal not working with matplotlib v1.5 for plot_lisa_cluster, plot_choropleth, etc.
* :ghissue:`728`: B179
* :ghissue:`727`: Geodf io
* :ghissue:`725`: try pinning scipy,numpy
* :ghissue:`723`: make sure to test all moran classes
* :ghissue:`720`: Moving natural breaks to a cleaner kmeans implementation
* :ghissue:`717`: esda.mapclassify return problematic counts when there is 0 occurrence in the last class
* :ghissue:`718`: force counts to be same length as bins
* :ghissue:`714`: Dev
* :ghissue:`712`: `block_weights` does not take argument `idVariable`
* :ghissue:`715`: Heads
* :ghissue:`713`: Enh712
* :ghissue:`710`: Patsy/Pandas wrapper
* :ghissue:`711`: Travis fixes
* :ghissue:`706`: precommit hook
* :ghissue:`708`: 2-3: is six a dependency or do we ship it?
* :ghissue:`707`: Keep dev updated with any bugfixes into master
* :ghissue:`702`: fix for chi2 test 0 denominator and invocation of chi2 test in LISA_Markov
* :ghissue:`704`: Allcloser
* :ghissue:`703`: Swapping to Allclose and RTOL=.00005 in spreg
* :ghissue:`698`: Py3merge
* :ghissue:`701`: By col array
* :ghissue:`700`: small optimization of bivariate moran motivated by 695
* :ghissue:`695`: Bivariate global moran's I formula
* :ghissue:`683`: Py3 Conversion Project
* :ghissue:`694`: Allclose in SPREG
* :ghissue:`696`: Pypi
* :ghissue:`691`: Update doctest for one-off bug that was fixed with 690
* :ghissue:`693`: Trouble installation: No module named 'shapes'
* :ghissue:`690`: fix for lisa markov one off for significance indicator
* :ghissue:`689`: Clpy flex w
* :ghissue:`688`: pep 8 edits
* :ghissue:`685`: BV Lisa
* :ghissue:`687`: Change array assertions into allclose
* :ghissue:`686`: Moran local bivariate
* :ghissue:`677`: Make meta importable from base
* :ghissue:`684`: 591
* :ghissue:`682`: release instructions updated
* :ghissue:`679`: bug
* :ghissue:`681`: version bump for next dev cycle
* :ghissue:`680`: Rel1.10


GitHub stats for 2015/01/31 - 2015/07/29

These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.

The following 20 authors contributed 334 commits.

* Charlie Schmidt
* Dani Arribas-Bel
* Daniel Arribas-Bel
* David C. Folch
* David Folch
* Jay
* Levi John Wolf
* Marynia
* Philip Stephens
* Serge Rey
* Sergio Rey
* Taylor Oshan
* The Gitter Badger
* Wei Kang
* jay
* jlaura
* ljw
* ljwolf
* luc
* pedrovma

We closed a total of 156 issues, 58 pull requests and 98 regular issues;
this is the full list (generated with the script

Pull Requests (58):

* :ghpull:`675`: Update
* :ghpull:`673`: Adding init at pdutilities so they are importable
* :ghpull:`672`: ENH: option to locate legend
* :ghpull:`669`: add nonsudo travis
* :ghpull:`666`: Cleaned up conflicts in ref branch
* :ghpull:`664`: Lisa map
* :ghpull:`663`: Examples
* :ghpull:`661`: Reorganization of examples
* :ghpull:`657`: Assuncao test division errors
* :ghpull:`649`: Add a Gitter chat badge to
* :ghpull:`647`: Addresses 646
* :ghpull:`645`: Update to weights module documentation for PySAL-REST
* :ghpull:`644`: removed test print statements from df2dbf
* :ghpull:`643`: using in df2dbf to avoid gotcha in type
* :ghpull:`642`: Updating copyright year
* :ghpull:`634`: allows non-symmetric distance matrices
* :ghpull:`641`: turning off generatetree
* :ghpull:`592`: adding check for version 591
* :ghpull:`636`: vertical line point simulation
* :ghpull:`639`: Snapping
* :ghpull:`640`: Add users to travis
* :ghpull:`627`: Networkrb
* :ghpull:`631`: Fixing typoes in
* :ghpull:`626`: cast arrays over inconsistent kdtree return types
* :ghpull:`620`: adding explicit check for random region contiguity
* :ghpull:`619`: Fixing spreg's warnings
* :ghpull:`618`: initial folder with dbf utilities using pandas
* :ghpull:`616`: Adding isolation and theil indices to
* :ghpull:`615`: Network docs
* :ghpull:`614`: cleaning up pr testing
* :ghpull:`613`: test coverage to 98% on network
* :ghpull:`612`: small change for testing PR
* :ghpull:`611`: stubbed in minimal tests
* :ghpull:`607`: B603
* :ghpull:`602`: Documentation Extraction Notebook
* :ghpull:`606`: pct_nonzero was reporting a ratio not a percentage
* :ghpull:`604`: Contribpush
* :ghpull:`601`: Documentation Cleanup
* :ghpull:`599`: Casting bugfix from 598
* :ghpull:`600`: Updates for coveralls
* :ghpull:`598`: IO in Python 3
* :ghpull:`597`: Decoupling bbox from map_XXX_poly
* :ghpull:`595`: Removed testing line in travis.yml and added a .coveragerc file to manag...
* :ghpull:`590`: using numpy sum method
* :ghpull:`589`: Wconstructor
* :ghpull:`588`: Coveralls
* :ghpull:`585`: Fisher Jenks bug in `plot_choropleth`
* :ghpull:`584`: Alpha in plot chor
* :ghpull:`583`: Fixed 576
* :ghpull:`580`: working on 576
* :ghpull:`578`: Fixes 577
* :ghpull:`574`: Handle case where a region has a 0 share.
* :ghpull:`571`: Dict to unique value mapper
* :ghpull:`570`: numpy doc cleanup for weights module
* :ghpull:`569`: folium viz scripts
* :ghpull:`568`: inline with numpy doc spec (spatial_dynamics module)
* :ghpull:`567`: New/masterbump
* :ghpull:`566`: Fix for 1.9.0 missing file in

Issues (98):

* :ghissue:`675`: Update
* :ghissue:`658`: Travis.CI """Legacy""" architecture
* :ghissue:`667`: Examples Not Found
* :ghissue:`673`: Adding init at pdutilities so they are importable
* :ghissue:`672`: ENH: option to locate legend
* :ghissue:`669`: add nonsudo travis
* :ghissue:`671`: Shapefile Read - PolygonM Attribute Error
* :ghissue:`670`: examples README markdown files reformatting
* :ghissue:`668`: Wconstructor
* :ghissue:`666`: Cleaned up conflicts in ref branch
* :ghissue:`664`: Lisa map
* :ghissue:`662`: Pep8
* :ghissue:`665`: Refs
* :ghissue:`663`: Examples
* :ghissue:`573`: Examples
* :ghissue:`661`: Reorganization of examples
* :ghissue:`656`: Assuncao rate improper division
* :ghissue:`657`: Assuncao test division errors
* :ghissue:`280`: handle multi-segment links in
* :ghissue:`649`: Add a Gitter chat badge to
* :ghissue:`647`: Addresses 646
* :ghissue:`646`: arc distance in knnW
* :ghissue:`645`: Update to weights module documentation for PySAL-REST
* :ghissue:`644`: removed test print statements from df2dbf
* :ghissue:`643`: using in df2dbf to avoid gotcha in type
* :ghissue:`603`: Polygon.contains_point does not correctly process multipart polygons.
* :ghissue:`642`: Updating copyright year
* :ghissue:`623`: reading road shapfiles into network
* :ghissue:`608`: Scipy Sparse Graph
* :ghissue:`621`: network distance speedup
* :ghissue:`632`: network point snapping
* :ghissue:`633`: point to point distances on network
* :ghissue:`635`: simulating points on vertical lines
* :ghissue:`634`: allows non-symmetric distance matrices
* :ghissue:`641`: turning off generatetree
* :ghissue:`637`: speedup distance computations
* :ghissue:`592`: adding check for version 591
* :ghissue:`628`: Re-enable doctests
* :ghissue:`636`: vertical line point simulation
* :ghissue:`639`: Snapping
* :ghissue:`640`: Add users to travis
* :ghissue:`638`: Add users to Travis
* :ghissue:`627`: Networkrb
* :ghissue:`622`: New network branch from clean master
* :ghissue:`630`: NetworkG api is broken
* :ghissue:`631`: Fixing typoes in
* :ghissue:`625`: Installation - Binstar and Anaconda
* :ghissue:`624`: Network topology
* :ghissue:`629`: changes to spreg tests for travis
* :ghissue:`166`: pysal.esda.mapclassify.Fisher_Jenks - local variable 'best' referenced before assignment
* :ghissue:`626`: cast arrays over inconsistent kdtree return types
* :ghissue:`596`: [question] unsupervised classification
* :ghissue:`620`: adding explicit check for random region contiguity
* :ghissue:`617`: Random_Region not respecting contiguity constraint
* :ghissue:`619`: Fixing spreg's warnings
* :ghissue:`618`: initial folder with dbf utilities using pandas
* :ghissue:`616`: Adding isolation and theil indices to
* :ghissue:`615`: Network docs
* :ghissue:`614`: cleaning up pr testing
* :ghissue:`613`: test coverage to 98% on network
* :ghissue:`612`: small change for testing PR
* :ghissue:`611`: stubbed in minimal tests
* :ghissue:`607`: B603
* :ghissue:`602`: Documentation Extraction Notebook
* :ghissue:`606`: pct_nonzero was reporting a ratio not a percentage
* :ghissue:`605`: RTree Weights
* :ghissue:`604`: Contribpush
* :ghissue:`601`: Documentation Cleanup
* :ghissue:`554`: Beginning documentation cleanup
* :ghissue:`599`: Casting bugfix from 598
* :ghissue:`600`: Updates for coveralls
* :ghissue:`598`: IO in Python 3
* :ghissue:`597`: Decoupling bbox from map_XXX_poly
* :ghissue:`595`: Removed testing line in travis.yml and added a .coveragerc file to manag...
* :ghissue:`586`: Look at using Coveralls
* :ghissue:`590`: using numpy sum method
* :ghissue:`589`: Wconstructor
* :ghissue:`588`: Coveralls
* :ghissue:`576`: Predecessor lists inconsistencies
* :ghissue:`585`: Fisher Jenks bug in `plot_choropleth`
* :ghissue:`584`: Alpha in plot chor
* :ghissue:`583`: Fixed 576
* :ghissue:`582`: Fixes 576
* :ghissue:`581`: Network
* :ghissue:`580`: working on 576
* :ghissue:`575`: Network from Lattice
* :ghissue:`578`: Fixes 577
* :ghissue:`577`: bug in FileIO.cast
* :ghissue:`574`: Handle case where a region has a 0 share.
* :ghissue:`343`: Edge Segmentation
* :ghissue:`571`: Dict to unique value mapper
* :ghissue:`570`: numpy doc cleanup for weights module
* :ghissue:`569`: folium viz scripts
* :ghissue:`568`: inline with numpy doc spec (spatial_dynamics module)
* :ghissue:`567`: New/masterbump
* :ghissue:`564`: Bug in
* :ghissue:`566`: Fix for 1.9.0 missing file in
* :ghissue:`565`: Bsetup


GitHub stats for 2015/01/30 - 2015/01/31

These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.

The following 4 authors contributed 14 commits.

* Dani Arribas-Bel
* Serge Rey
* Sergio Rey
* jlaura

We closed a total of 8 issues, 3 pull requests and 5 regular issues;
this is the full list (generated with the script

Pull Requests (3):

* :ghpull:`566`: Fix for 1.9.0 missing file in
* :ghpull:`563`: Updating release instructions
* :ghpull:`561`: Rolling over to 1.10

Issues (5):

* :ghissue:`566`: Fix for 1.9.0 missing file in
* :ghissue:`565`: Bsetup
* :ghissue:`563`: Updating release instructions
* :ghissue:`562`: adjustments to release management
* :ghissue:`561`: Rolling over to 1.10


GitHub stats for 2014/07/25 - 2015/01/30

These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.

The following 12 authors contributed 131 commits.

* Andy Reagan
* Dani Arribas-Bel
* Jay
* Levi John Wolf
* Philip Stephens
* Qunshan
* Serge Rey
* jlaura
* ljwolf
* luc

We closed a total of 113 issues, 44 pull requests and 69 regular issues;
this is the full list (generated with the script

Pull Requests (44):

* :ghpull:`560`: modifying import scheme for network module
* :ghpull:`559`: Network2
* :ghpull:`558`: Network2
* :ghpull:`557`: Network2
* :ghpull:`556`: Added analytical functions and edge segmentation
* :ghpull:`550`: Network2
* :ghpull:`553`: correction in denominator of spatial tau.
* :ghpull:`547`: Updates to get network integrated
* :ghpull:`544`: update .gitignore
* :ghpull:`543`: k nearest neighbor gwt example file for baltimore points (with k=4) added to examples directory
* :ghpull:`542`: new format file added to examples directory
* :ghpull:`541`: Update tutorial docs for new book
* :ghpull:`540`: doc: updating instructions for anaconda and enthought
* :ghpull:`539`: doc: pysal is now on sagemathcloud
* :ghpull:`538`: Clean up of cg and fixes of other doctests/formats
* :ghpull:`536`: adding entry for getis ord module
* :ghpull:`537`: new opendata module for contrib
* :ghpull:`535`: Add method for extracting data columns as Numpy array rather than list
* :ghpull:`534`: added geogrid to __all__ in
* :ghpull:`533`: added geogrid function to create a grid of points on a sphere
* :ghpull:`532`: new functions to deal with spherical geometry: lat-lon conversion, degre...
* :ghpull:`530`: I390
* :ghpull:`528`: Replacing 0 by min value in choropleths
* :ghpull:`526`: B166
* :ghpull:`525`: copyright update
* :ghpull:`524`: New homogeneity tests for general case and spatial markov as a special case
* :ghpull:`523`: pointing to pages
* :ghpull:`520`: Same typo. Toolkit.
* :ghpull:`518`: Update
* :ghpull:`519`: Typo
* :ghpull:`517`: Documentation correction for Prais Conditional Mobility Index
* :ghpull:`516`: ENH for
* :ghpull:`515`: BUG: conditional check for extension of lower bound of colorbar to conta...
* :ghpull:`514`: ENH: adding the user_defined classification
* :ghpull:`513`: rewriting to not use ipython notebook --pylab=line
* :ghpull:`512`: Viz
* :ghpull:`508`: Adding barebones pysal2matplotlib options in viz
* :ghpull:`511`: DOC updating news
* :ghpull:`507`: Sched
* :ghpull:`510`: BUG: fix for 509
* :ghpull:`506`: 1.9dev
* :ghpull:`505`: REL bumping master to 1.9.0dev


* :ghissue:`503`: Grid for landing page

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