Breaking changes
Detached / unselected by default (523)
To ensure consistency and principle of least surprise, keep these set to
not use `-a` unless explicitly specified.
Breaking: {meth}`Session.new_window()` + {meth}`Window.split_window()` no longer attaches by default.
- 0.28.0 and greater: Defaults to `attach=False`.
- 0.27.1 and below: Defaults to `attach=True`.
To keep the old behavior in 0.28.0 and beyond, pass `attach=True` explicitly.
Improved resizing (523)
- Breaking: `Pane.resize_pane()` renamed to {meth}`Pane.resize()` (523)
This convention will be more consistent with {meth}`Window.resize()`.
- Breaking: {meth}`Pane.resize()`'s params changed (523)
- No longer accepts `-U`, `-D`, `-L`, `-R` directly, instead accepts
- {meth}`Pane.resize()`:
- Accept adjustments via `adjustment_direction` w/
{class}`~libtmux.constants.ResizeAdjustmentDirection` + `adjustment`.
- Learned to accept manual `height` and / or `width` (columns/rows or percentage)
- Zoom (and unzoom)
- {meth}`Window.resize()`: Newly added
Tip: If {meth}`Pane.resize()` was not taking affect <= 0.27.1, try to resize with
{meth}`Window.resize()` first.
- {meth}`Window.refresh()` and {meth}`Pane.refresh()`: Refresh more underlying state (523)
- {meth}`Obj._refresh`: Allow passing args (523)
e.g. `-a` (all) to `list-panes` and `list-windows`
- `Server.panes`: Fix listing of panes (523)
Would list only panes in attached session, rather than all in a server.
- Pane, Window: Improve parsing of option values that return numbers
- `Obj._refresh`: Allow passing `list_extra_args` to ensure `list-windows` and
`list-panes` can return more than the target (523)
- pytest: Fix `usefixture` warning (519)
- ci: Add tmux 3.4 to test matrix (909)