Breaking changes (426)
- Finding objects / relations
- 0.16 and below: `session._windows()`, `session.list_windows()`, etc.
0.17 and after: {attr}` <>`
- 0.16 and below: `session.find_where({'window_name': my_window})`
0.17 and after: {meth}`, default=None) <>`
- If not found and not `default`, raises {exc}`~libtmux._internal.query_list.ObjectDoesNotExist`
- If multiple objects found, raises {exc}`~libtmux._internal.query_list.MultipleObjectsReturned`
- 0.16 and below: `session.where({'window_name': my_window})`
0.17 and after: {meth}` <>`
- Accessing attributes
- 0.16 and below: `window['id']`
0.17 and after: ``
- 0.16 and below: `window.get('id')`
0.17 and after: ``
- 0.16 and below: `window.get('id', None)`
0.17 and after: `getattr(window, 'id', None)`
New features
Detect if server active (448)
- `Server.is_alive()`
- `Server.raise_if_dead()`
- Remove unused `sphinx-click` development dependency