
Latest version: v2023.12

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[> Fixed
- software/linker: Fix initialized global variables.
- build/xilinx: Fix Ultrascale SDROutput/Input.
- cpu/rocket/crt0.s: Fix alignements.
- core/video: Fix missing ClockDomainsRenamer in specific DRAM's width case.
- mor1kx: Fix --cpu-type=None --with-ethernet case.
- build/lattice: Fix LatticeiCE40SDROutputImpl.
- soc/interconnect/axi: Fix 4KB bursts.

[> Added
- integration/builder: Check if full software re-build is required when a CPU is used.
- cores/clock: Add Gowin PLL support.
- build/gowin: Add initial HyperRam support.
- build/gowin: Add differential Input/Output support.
- build/lattice: Add DDRTristate support.
- cores/gpio: Add external Tristate support.
- tools/json2dts: Make it more generic (now also used with OpenRisc/Mor1kx).
- cpu/rocket: Add SMP support (up to quad-core).
- software/bios/boot: Allow frame reception to time out (for litex_term auto-calibration).
- tools/litex_term: Add automatic settings calibration and --safe mode.
- build/quicklogic: Add initial support.
- cores/icap/7-Series: Add register read capability.
- cores/video: Add RGB565 support to VideoFrameBuffer.
- soc: Raise custom SoCError Exception and disable traceback/exception.
- soc/add_pcie: Automatically set Endpoint's endianness to PHY's endianness.
- build/efinix: Add initial Trion and Titanium support.
- fhdl/verilog: Cleanup/Simplify verilog generation.
- fhdl/memory: Cleanup/Simplify and add support for Efinix case.
- cpu/ibex: Add interrupt support.
- tools/litex_client: Add --length parameter for MMAP read accesses.
- software/bios/cpu: Add CPU tests in CI.
- litex_sim/xgmii_ethernet: Improve models.
- litex_setup: Cleanup/Simplify and switch to proper "--" commands (with retro-compat).
- cores/jtag: Add ECP5 support.
- cores/led: Add WS2812/NeoPixel core.
- cpu/femtorv: Finish integration and add variants support.
- cpu/eos-s3: Add initial support.
- build/anlogic: Add initial support.
- cpu/microwatt: Add Xilinx multiplier support.
- cpu/vexriscv/cfu: Improve integration.
- soc/interconnect: Add initial AHB support (AHB2Wishbone).
- cpu/gowin_emcu: Add initial Gowin EMCU support.
- cpu/zynq7000: Add initial BIOS/software support.
- cpu/zynq7000: Add TCL support.
- core/prbs: Add error behaviour configuration on saturation.
- software/bios: Add write size option to mem_write cmd.
- LitePCIe/phy: Cleanup 7-Series PHY integration.
- LitePCIe/dma Add LitePCIeDMAStatus module.
- LitePCIe/software: Improve kernel/user-space utilities.
- LiteDRAM/litedram_gen: Improve ECP5 support.
- LiteDRAM/phy: Add initial LPDDR5 support.
- LiteDRAM/frontend: Refactor DRAM FIFO and add optional bypass mode.
- LiteEth/core: Add 32-bit/64-bit datapath support.
- LiteEth/phy: Add 10Gbps / Xilinx XGMII support.
- LiteEth/phy: Add 1Gbps / Efinix RGMII support.
- LiteSPI/phy: Simplify SDR/DDR PHYs.
- LiteHyperBus: Add 16-bit support.

[> Changed
- software: Replace libbase with picolibc (new requirements: meson/ninja).
- amaranth: Switch from nMigen to Amaranth HDL.



[> Fixed
- wishbone/UpConverter: Fix SEL propagation.
- cores/i2s: Fix SYNC sampling.
- BIOS/lib*: Fix GCC warnings.
- cpu/software: Fix stack alignment issues.
- cpu/blackparrot: Fix integration.
- interconnect/axi: Fix valid signal in connect_to_pads for axi lite.
- software/hw/common: Fix _csr_rd_buf/_csr_wr_buf for sizeof(buf[0]) < CSR_DW_BYTES case.
- software/soc.h: Fix interoperability with assembly.
- interconnect/stream: Fix n=1 case on Multiplexer/Demultiplexer.
- interconnect/axi: Fix BURST_WRAP case on AXIBurst2Beat.
- cpu/VexRiscv-SMP: Fix build without a memory bus.
- cpu/software: Fix CLANG detection.
- build/software: Force a fresh software build when cpu-type/variant is changed.
- cores/uart: Fix TX reset level.
- BIOS: Fix PHDR link error.
- BIOS: Fix build-id link error.
- LiteDRAM: Fix Artix7/DDR3 calibraiton at low speed.

[> Added
- cores/video: Add 7-Series HDMI PHY over GTPs.
- cores/jtagbone: Allow JTAG chain selection.
- programmer: Add iCESugar programmer.
- cpu/vexriscv: Add CFU support.
- soc/controller: Add separate SoC/CPU reset fields.
- BIOS/liblitedram: Add debug capabilities, minor improvements.
- cpu/femtoRV: Add initial FemtoRV support.
- cores/uart: Cleaned-up, Add optional TX-Flush.
- cores/usb_ohci: Add initial SpinalHDL's USB OHCI support (integrated in Linux-on-LiteX-Vexriscv).
- stream: Add Gate Module.
- soc/builder: Allow linking external software packages.
- soc/software: Allow registering init functions.
- cores/ram: Add init support to Nexus LRAM.
- cores/spi: Add Manual CS Mode for bulk transfers.
- cores/VexRiscv-SMP: Make [ID]TLB size configurable.
- dts: Add GPIO IRQ support.
- programmer/DFUProg: Allow to specify alt interace and to not reboot.
- cores/clock/ecp5: Add dynamic phase adjustment signals.
- tools/litex_sim: Mode SDRAM settings to LiteDRAM's DFI model.
- build/gowin: Add AsyncResetSynchronizer/DDRInput/DDROutput implementations.
- build/gowin: Add On-Chip-Oscillator support.
- build/gowin: Add initial timing constraints support.
- build/attr_translate: Simplify/Cleanup.
- programmer/OpenFPGALoader: Add cable and freq options.
- interconnect/packet: Improve PacketFIFO to handle payload/param separately.
- clock/ecp5: Add 4-output support.
- LiteSPI: Simplified/Cleaned-up, new MMAP architecture, applied to LiteX-Boards.
- soc: Add LiteSPI integration code.
- LitePCIe: DMA/Controller Simplified/Cleaned-up.
- soc/add_cpu: Add memory mapping overrides to build log and make an exception for the CPUNone case.
- programmer: Add ECPprogProgrammer.
- soc/software: Add Random access option to memtest.
- tools: Add Renode generator script.
- tools: Add Zephyr DTS generator script.
- build/io: Add DDRTristate.
- cpu/VexRiscv: Restructure config flags for dcache/icache presence.
- litex_sim: Improve RAM/SDRAM integration and make it closer to LiteX-Boards targets.
- build/sim: Add ODDR/IDDR/DDRSTristate simulation models.
- litex_sim: Add SPIFlash support.
- LiteSPI: Add DDR support and integration in LiteX (rate=1:1, 1:2).
- build/Vivado: Make pre_synthesis/placement/routing commands similar to platform_commands.
- LiteDRAM: Refactor C code generator.
- LiteDRAM: Improve LPDDR4 support.
- LiteDRAM: Reduce ECC granularity.

[> Changed
- soc_core: --integrated-rom-file argument renamed to --integrated-rom-init.



[> Fixed
- litex_term: Fix Windows/OS-X support.
- soc/USB-ACM: Fix reset clock domain.
- litex_json2dts: Various fixes/improvements.
- cores/clock: Fix US(P)IDELAYCTRL reset sequence.
- cpu/Vexriscv: Fix Lite variant ABI (has multiplier so can use rv32im).
- BIOS: Fix various compiler warnings.
- LiteSDCard: Fix various issues, enable multiblock reads/writes and improve performance.
- CSR: Fix address wrapping within a CSRBank.
- soc/add_etherbone: Fix UDPIPCore clock domain.
- stream/Gearbox: Fix some un-supported cases.
- cpu/VexRiscv-SMP: Fix build on Intel/Altera devices with specific RAM implementation.
- timer: Fix AutoDoc.
- Microwatt/Ethernet: Fix build.
- soc/software: Link with compiler instead of ld.

[> Added
- Lattice-NX: Allow up to 320KB RAMs.
- BIOS: Allow compilation with UART disabled.
- litex_json2dts: Simplify/Improve and allow VexRiscv/Mor1kx support.
- BIOS/i2c: Improve cmd_i2c.
- BIOS/liblitedram: Various improvements for DDR4/LPDDR.
- cores/Timer: Add initial unit test.
- cores: Add initial JTAGBone support on Xilinx FPGAs.
- litex_term: Improve JTAG-UART support.
- litex_server: Add JTAGBone support.
- VexRiscv-SMP: Add --without-out-of-order and --with-wishbone-memory capabilities.
- BIOS: Allow specify TRIPLE with LITEX_ENV_CC_TRIPLE.
- litex_client: Add simple --read/--write support.
- OpenFPGALoader: Add flash method.
- litex_sim: Add GTKWave savefile generator.
- litex_term: Add nios2-terminal support.
- cpu/mor1kx: Add initial SMP support.
- interconnect/axi: Add tkeep support.
- cores/gpio: Add IRQ support to GPIOIn.
- cpu: Add initial lowRISC's Ibex support.
- build/xilinx/Vivado: Allow tcl script to be added as ip.
- cores/uart: Rewrite PHYs to reduce resource usage and improve readability.
- cores/pwm: Add configurable default enable/width/period values.
- cores/leds: Add optional dimming (through PWM).
- soc/add_pcie: Allow disabling MSI when not required.
- export/svd: Add constants to SVD export.
- BIOS: Allow dynamic Ethernet IP address.
- BIOS: Add boot command to boot from memory.
- cores: Add simple VideoOut core with Terminal, ColorBards, Framebuffer + various PHYs (VGA, DVI, HDMI, etc...).
- csr/EventSourceProcess: Add rising edge support and edge selection.
- soc/integration: Cleanup/Simplify soc_core/builder.
- soc/integrated_rom: Add automatic BIOS ROM resize to minimize blockram usage and improve flexibility.
- interconnect/axi: Add AXILite Clock Domain Crossing.
- cores/xadc: Add Ultrascale support.
- soc/add_ethernet: Allow nrxslots/ntxslots configuration.
- cpu/VexRiscv-SMP: Integrate FPU/RVC support.
- soc/add_csr: Add auto-allocation mode and switch to it in LiteX's code base.
- soc/BIOS: Add method to check BIOS requirements during the build and improve error message when not satisfied.
- LiteEth: Add initial timestamping support.
- litex_client: Add optional filter to --regs.
- LiteDRAM: Add LPDDR4 support.
- BIOS/netboot: Allow specifying .json file.
- cores/clock: Add initial Gowin GW1N PLL support.
- LiteSDCard: Add IRQ support.

[> Changed
- platforms/targets: Move all platforms/targets to
- litex_term: Remove flashing capability.
- cores/uart: Disable dynamic baudrate by default (Unused and save resources).



[> Fixed
- fix SDCard writes.
- fix crt0 .data initialize on SERV/Minerva.
- fix Zynq7000 AXI HP Slave integration.

[> Added
- Wishbone2CSR: Add registered version and use it on system with SDRAM.
- litex_json2dts: Add Mor1kx DTS generation support.
- Build: Add initial Radiant support for NX FPGA family.
- SoC: Allow ROM to be optionally writable (for contents overwrite over UARTBone/Etherbone).
- LiteSDCard: Improve BIOS support.
- UARTBone: Add clock domain support.
- Clocking: Uniformize reset on iCE40PLL/ECP5PLL.
- LiteDRAM: Improve calibration and add BIOS debug commands.
- Clocking: Add initial Ultrascale+ support.
- Sim: Allow dynamic enable/disable of tracing.
- BIOS: Improve memtest and report.
- BIOS: Rename/reorganize commands.
- litex_server: Simplify usage with PCIe and add debug parameter.
- LitePCIe: Add Ultrascale(+) support up to Gen3 X16.
- LiteSATA: Add BIOS/Boot integration.
- Add litex_cli to provides common RemoteClient functions: get identifier, dump regs, etc...
- LiteDRAM: Simplify BIST integration.
- Toolchains/Programmers: Improve checks/error reporting.
- BIOS: add leds command.
- SoC: Do a full reset of the SoC on reboot (not only the CPU).
- Etherbone: Improve efficiency/performance.
- LiteDRAM: Improve DDR4/DDR3 calibration.
- Build: Add initial Oxide support for NX FPGA family.
- Clock/RAM: Reorganize for better modularity.
- SPI-OPI: Various improvements for Betrusted.
- litex_json2dts: Improvements to use it with mor1kx and VexRiscv-SMP.
- Microwatt: Add IRQ support.
- BIOS: Add i2c_scan command.
- Builder: Simplify Documentation generation with --doc args on targets.
- CSR: Add documentation to EventManager registers.
- BIOS: Allow disabling timestamp for reproducible builds.
- Symbiflow: Remove workarounds on targets.
- litex_server: Simplify use on PCIe, allow direct CommXY use in scripts to bypass litex_server.
- Zynq7000: Improve PS7 configuration support (now supporting .xci/preset/dict)
- CV32E40P: Improve OBI efficiency.
- litex_term: Improve upload speed with CRC check enabled, deprecate --no-crc (no longer useful).
- BIOS: Add mem_list command to list available memory and use mem_xy commands on them.
- litex_term: Add Crossover and JTAG_UART support.
- Software: Add minimal bare metal demo app.
- UART: Add Crossover+Bridge support.
- VexRiscv-SMP: Integrate AES support.
- LitePCIe: Allow AXI mastering from FPGA (AXI-Lite and Full).
- mor1kx: Add standard+fpu and linux+fpu variants.

[> Changed
- BIOS: commands have been renamed/reorganized.
- LiteDRAM: rdcmdphase/wrcmdphase no longer exposed.
- CSR: change default csr_data_width from 8 to 32.



[> Fixed
- Fix flush_cpu_icache on VexRiscv.
- Fix `.data` section placed in rom (566)

[> Added
- Properly integrate Minerva CPU.
- Add nMigen dependency.
- Pluggable CPUs.
- BIOS history, autocomplete.
- Improve boards's programmers.
- Add Microwatt CPU support (with GHDL-Yosys-plugin support for FOSS toolchains).
- Speedup Memtest using an LFSR.
- Add LedChaser on boards.
- Improve WishboneBridge.
- Improve Diamond constraints.
- Use InterconnectPointToPoint when 1 master,1 slave and no address translation.
- Add CV32E40P CPU support (ex RI5CY).
- JTAG UART with uart_name=jtag_uart (validated on Spartan6, 7-Series, Ultrascale(+)).
- Add Symbiflow experimental support on Arty.
- Add SDCard (SPI and SD modes) boot from FAT/exFAT filesystems with FatFs.
- Simplify boot with boot.json configuration file.
- Revert to a single crt0 (avoid ctr/xip variants).
- Add otional DMA bus for Cache Coherency on CPU(s) with DMA/Cache Coherency interface.
- Add AXI-Lite bus standard support.
- Add VexRiscv SMP CPU support.

[> Changed
- Add --build --load arguments to targets.
- Deprecate soc.interconnect.wishbone.UpConverter (will be rewritten if useful).
- Deprecate soc.interconnect.wishbone.CSRBank (Does not seem to be used by anyone).
- Move soc.interconnect.wishbone2csr.WB2CSR to soc.interconnect.wishbone.Wishbone2CSR.
- Move soc.interconnect.wishbonebridge.WishboneStreamingBridge to soc.cores.uart.Stream2Wishbone.
- Rename --gateware-toolchain target parameter to --toolchain.
- Integrate Zynq's PS7 as a regular CPU (zynq7000) and deprecate SoCZynq.



[> Description
First release of LiteX and the ecosystem of cores!

LiteX is a Migen/MiSoC based Core/SoC builder that provides the infrastructure to easily create
Cores/SoCs (with or without CPU).

The common components of a SoC are provided directly:
- Buses and Streams (Wishbone, AXI, Avalon-ST)
- Interconnect
- Common cores (RAM, ROM, Timer, UART, etc...)
- CPU wrappers/integration
- etc...
And SoC creation capabilities can be greatly extended with the ecosystem of LiteX cores (DRAM,
PCIe, Ethernet, SATA, etc...) that can be integrated/simulated/build easily with LiteX.

It also provides build backends for open-source and vendors toolchains.

[> Fixed
- NA

[> Added
- NA

[> Changed
- Converting LiteX to use Python modules.

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