
Latest version: v5.5

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- Fix timezone handling for Flot graphs.

The leading principle is that Javascript should do no timezone
manipulation on time data from the past, because that would mean
that the timezone of events recorded in the past depends on things
like the _current_ summer / winter time setting. A graph of the same
data should show the same information regardless of when it is

In Lizard we internally work with UTC datetimes as much as possible,
and convert these times to the site's timezone (usually
Europe/Amsterdam) right before handing them to Javascript.



- Fixed, so it won't recusively include other lizard-* URLs when
running as part of a site.



- Removed animationsettings for now. They're used in a tiny number of older
projects and probably have to be re-instated later on. But the daterange
implementation used by animationsettings has changed anyway. Perhaps
implement it in the projects that need it?

- We're depending on the 2.x version of Django REST framework now. This means
updating other projects that use Django REST framework. For a starting
point, see

- Removed all daterange tests as none of them work. ```` itself
has not been removed as it is used in quite a lot of views.

- Added configchecker test (``bin/django check_config``) whether ``USE_TZ =
True`` is set in your setttings file.

- Added an "add_percentiles" function to FlotGraph, that allows
plotting filled-in "percentile areas" around graphs. Will be
implemented for Matplotlib too, but that's not done yet.

- Added a workaround in ViewStateService, because Forms seem no longer
supported by rest_framework.



- Changed some text and changed location_list to always load initial results
on opening.



- Fixing automatic migration step ``0009`` by deleting/adding the
``identifier`` column on ``CollageEditItem`` instead of altering it. The old
``JSONField``'s implementation is incomplete and wreaks the migration.

- Store current extent when saving a workspace, and load it back again
when loading a workspace which has an extent set.



- Nothing big.

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