
Latest version: v5.5

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- Slightly refactored the 'workspace_item_toggle' view so that its
main functionality is now in the WorkspaceEdit model, so that it can
be called from other functions as well.
As a result, WorkspaceEdit now has methods 'toggle_workspace_item'
and 'add_workspace_item'.



- Support mixed flot/matplotlib (IE8) graphs.

- Fixed some IE8 issues.

- Added some more zoomLevels for WMS background layers.

- Graphs now reload on a date change.

- Removed some obsolete code regarding animation.

- Changed hover popup to one built with jQuery, as the previously used
OpenLayers one causes an unnecessary redraw on IE8.

- Moved all graph code to lizard-map, which should be a more suitable place
for it.

- Fixed usage of naive datetime objects.

- Added zoom/pan linked graphs.

- Added support for a singleTile WMS background layer.

- Location list now shows some initial results.

- Fixed various small bugs.



- Fixed some styling issues.

- Fix test build config, travis & pep8.



- Fix a missing css and made some javascript code optional.



- Relicensed from GPL to LGPL.

optional settings to make it possible to hide the three default lizard-map
content actions. They're True by default.

- Added popup with subtabs.

- Merged and cleaned various JavaScript files.

- Link to Pillow instead of PIL.

- Move most CSS styling to lizard-ui.

- Fix some styling issues, typo's.

- Revived the collage page.

- Switch to a Twitter Bootstrap based date-range selector.

- Fix legend order.

- Disable obsolete OpenLayers reprojection.

- Changed default graph colours.

- Popup is shown directly after click on map.

- Add some iPad exceptions and add graph navigation.

- Add support for location search.

- Add more resolutions for Rijksdriehoek.

- Started a simple JavaScript view state holder on the client.
In the future this will hold map extent, map layers etc. as well.

- Tables now have borders, as requested.



- Fix graphs and popups: switch from jquery-tools tabs to superior jquery-ui tabs.

- Properly resize graphs instead of reloading them.

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