Version 1.0.2 officially supports Python 3.9 and has dropped support for Python 3.5. The minimum version
of the following dependencies were updated: asteval>=0.9.21, numpy>=1.18, and scipy>=1.3.
New features:
- added two-dimensional Gaussian lineshape and model (PR 642; mpmdean)
- all built-in models are now registered in ``lmfit.models.lmfit_models``; new Model class attribute ``valid_forms`` (PR 663; rayosborn)
- added a SineModel (PR 676; lneuhaus)
- add the ``run_mcmc_kwargs argument`` to ``Minimizer.emcee`` to pass to the ``emcee.EnsembleSampler.run_mcmc`` function (PR 694; rbnvrw)
Bug fixes:
- ``ModelResult.eval_uncertainty`` should use provided Parameters (PR 646)
- center in lognormal model can be negative (Issue 644, PR 645; YoshieraHuang)
- restore best-fit values after calculation of covariance matrix (Issue 655, PR 657)
- add helper-function ``not_zero`` to prevent ZeroDivisionError in lineshapes and use in exponential lineshape (Issue 631, PR 664; s-weigand)
- save ``last_internal_values`` and use to restore internal values if fit is aborted (PR 667)
- dumping a fit using the ``lbfgsb`` method now works, convert bytes to string if needed (Issue 677, PR 678; leonfoks)
- fix use of callable Jacobian for scalar methods (PR 681; mstimberg)
- preserve float/int types when encoding for JSON (PR 696; jedzill4)
- better support for saving/loading of ExpressionModels and assure that ``init_params`` and ``init_fit`` are set when loading a ``ModelResult`` (PR 706)
- update minimum dependencies (PRs 688, 693)
- improvements in coding style, docstrings, CI, and test coverage (PRs 647, 649, 650, 653, 654; 685, 668, 689)
- fix typo in Oscillator (PR 658; flothesof)
- add example using SymPy (PR 662)
- allow better custom pool for emcee() (Issue 666, PR 667)
- update NIST Strd reference functions and tests (PR 670)
- make building of documentation cross-platform (PR 673; s-weigand)
- relax module name check in ``test_check_ast_errors`` for Python 3.9 (Issue 674, PR 675; mwhudson)
- fix/update layout of documentation, now uses the sphinx13 theme (PR 687)
- fixed DeprecationWarnings reported by NumPy v1.2.0 (PR 699)
- increase value of ``tiny`` and check for it in bounded parameters to avoid "parameter not moving from initial value" (Issue 700, PR 701)
- add ``max_nfev`` to ``basinhopping`` and ``brute`` (now supported everywhere in lmfit) and set to more uniform default values (PR 701)
- use Azure Pipelines for CI, drop Travis (PRs 696 and 702)