
Latest version: v1.3.2

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**Version 1.0.1 is the last release that supports Python 3.5**. All newer version will
require 3.6+ so that we can use formatting-strings and rely on dictionaries being ordered.

New features:

- added thermal distribution model and lineshape (PR 620; mpmdean)
- introduced a new argument ``max_nfev`` to uniformly specify the maximum number of function evalutions (PR 610)
**Please note: all other arguments (e.g., ``maxfev``, ``maxiter``, ...) will no longer be passed to the underlying
solver. A warning will be emitted stating that one should use ``max_nfev``.**
- the attribute ``call_kws`` was added to the ``MinimizerResult`` class and contains the keyword arguments that are
supplied to the solver in SciPy.

Bug fixes:

- fixes to the ``load`` and ``__setstate__`` methods of the Parameter class
- fixed failure of ModelResult.dump() due to missing attributes (Issue 611, PR 623; mpmdean)
- ``guess_from_peak`` function now also works correctly with decreasing x-values or when using
pandas (PRs 627 and 629; mpmdean)
- the ``Parameter.set()`` method now correctly first updates the boundaries and then the value (Issue 636, PR 637; arunpersaud)


- fixed typo for the use of expressions in the documentation (Issue 610; jkrogager)
- removal of PY2-compatibility and unused code and improved test coverage (PRs 619, 631, and 633)
- removed deprecated ``isParameter`` function and automatic conversion of an ``uncertainties`` object (PR 626)
- inaccurate FWHM calculations were removed from built-in models, others labeled as estimates (Issue 616 and PR 630)
- corrected spelling mistake for the Doniach lineshape and model (Issue 634; rayosborn)
- removed unsupported/untested code for IPython notebooks in lmfit/ui/*


Version 1.0.0 supports Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8

New features:
- no new features are introduced in 1.0.0.

- support for Python 2 and use of the ``six`` package are removed. (PR 612)

- documentation updates to clarify the use of ``emcee``. (PR 614)


**Version 0.9.15 is the last release that supports Python 2.7**; it now also fully suports Python 3.8.

New features, improvements, and bug fixes:

- move application of parameter bounds to setter instead of getter (PR 587)
- add support for non-array Jacobian types in least_squares (Issue 588, ezwelty in PR 589)
- add more information (i.e., acor and acceptance_fraction) about emcee fit (j-zimmermann in PR 593)
- "name" is now a required positional argument for Parameter class, update the magic methods (PR 595)
- fix nvars count and bound handling in confidence interval calculations (Issue 597, PR 598)
- support Python 3.8; requires asteval >= 0.9.16 (PR 599)
- only support emcee version 3 (i.e., no PTSampler anymore) (PR 600)
- fix and refactor prob_func in confidence interval calculations (PR 604)
- fix adding Parameters with custom user-defined symbols (Issue 607, PR 608; thanks to gbouvignies for the report)


- bump requirements to LTS version of SciPy/ NumPy and code clean-up (PR 591)
- documentation updates (PR 596, and others)
- improve test coverage and Travis CI updates (PR 595, and others)
- update pre-commit hooks and configuration in setup.cfg

To-be deprecated:
- function Parameter.isParameter and conversion from uncertainties.core.Variable to value in _getval (PR 595)



**Version 0.9.15 is the last release that supports Python 2.7**; it now also fully supports Python 3.8.

New features, improvements, and bug fixes:

- move application of parameter bounds to setter instead of getter (PR 587)
- add support for non-array Jacobian types in least_squares (Issue 588, ezwelty in PR 589)
- add more information (i.e., acor and acceptance_fraction) about emcee fit (j-zimmermann in PR 593)
- "name" is now a required positional argument for Parameter class, update the magic methods (PR 595)
- fix nvars count and bound handling in confidence interval calculations (Issue 597, PR 598)
- support Python 3.8; requires asteval >= 0.9.16 (PR 599)
- only support emcee version 3 (i.e., no PTSampler anymore) (PR 600)
- fix and refactor prob_bunc in confidence interval calculations (PR 604)
- fix adding Parameters with custom user-defined symbols (Issue 607, PR 608; thanks to gbouvignies for the report)


- bump requirements to LTS version of SciPy/ NumPy and code clean-up (PR 591)
- documentation updates (PR 596, and others)
- improve test coverage and Travis CI updates (PR 595, and others)
- update pre-commit hooks and configuration in setup.cfg

To-be deprecated:
- function Parameter.isParameter and conversion from uncertainties.core.Variable to value in _getval (PR 595)


New features:

- the global optimizers ``shgo`` and ``dual_annealing`` (new in SciPy v1.2) are now supported (Issue 527; PRs 545 and 556)
- ``eval`` method added to the Parameter class (PR 550 by zobristnicholas)
- avoid ZeroDivisionError in ``printfuncs.params_html_table`` (PR 552 by aaristov and PR 559)
- add parallelization to ``brute`` method (PR 564, requires SciPy v1.3)

Bug fixes:

- consider only varying parameters when reporting potential issues with calculating errorbars (PR 549) and compare
``value`` to both ``min`` and ``max`` (PR 571)
- guard against division by zero in lineshape functions and ``FWHM`` and ``height`` expression calculations (PR 545)
- fix issues with restoring a saved Model (Issue 553; PR 554)
- always set ``result.method`` for ``emcee`` algorithm (PR 558)
- more careful adding of parameters to handle out-of-order constraint expressions (Issue 560; PR 561)
- make sure all parameters in Model.guess() use prefixes (PRs 567 and 569)
- use ``inspect.signature`` for PY3 to support wrapped functions (Issue 570; PR 576)
- fix ``result.nfev for ``brute`` method when using parallelization (Issue 578; PR 579)


- remove "missing" in the Model class (replaced by nan_policy) and "drop" as option to nan_policy
(replaced by omit) deprecated since 0.9 (PR 565).
- deprecate 'report_errors' in printfuncs.py (PR 571)
- updates to the documentation to use ``jupyter-sphinx`` to include examples/output (PRs 573 and 575)
- include a Gallery with examples in the documentation using ``sphinx-gallery`` (PR 574 and 583)
- improve test-coverage (PRs 571, 572 and 585)
- add/clarify warning messages when NaN values are detected (PR 586)
- several updates to docstrings (Issue 584; PR 583, and others)
- update pre-commit hooks and several docstrings


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