
Latest version: v0.4.60

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What's Changed
* add feature of auto filter when clicking on property by nidhi-wa in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/317
* remove outdated nextjs guide from trace page placeholder by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/350
* add spans, datasets count to project card by olzhik11 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/347
* fix: sqlx query in dataset fetching by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/351
* Browser instrumentation by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/354
* ui improvements by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/355
* fix a few errors in datapoint page by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/356
* feat: add restricted access on github auth by olzhik11 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/353
* upload large payloads to storage by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/360
* fix: project card by olzhik11 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/359
* Browser and evals by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/358
* minor fix: address small ellipsis feedback by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/362
* fix: race with useSWR on updateScoreNames by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/364
* write the output content to the parent span of aisdk by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/363
* fix generate object by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/365
* add default AEAD key to .env by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/367
* Fixes to instrumentation, evals page, .env config by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/368
* feat: enable labels, events, and label classes by olzhik11 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/357
* Tool span + traces UI by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/371
* UI perf + compression by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/374
* fix: fix github sign-in button by olzhik11 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/370
* Search by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/375

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/compare/v0.1.3-alpha.5...v0.1.3-alpha.6


What's Changed
* Next15 by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/279
* Add ability to delete traces by nidhi-wa in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/314
* store only metadata in qdrant by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/316
* sanitize string by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/318
* Landing by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/319
* [1/2] delete label type field by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/322
* remove labels in migrations as well, fix spans fkey by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/324
* upload langchain b64 images to S3 by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/326
* docs: update 2024-12-05-labeling-queues.mdx by eltociear in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/320
* move remaining paginated get queries to drizzle by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/327
* remove remark-gfm and math by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/328
* return empty trace ids if no collection found by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/330
* parse span path as array by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/333
* Fix/traces by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/335
* fix images by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/336
* configure new spans collections to store data on disk by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/337
* don't create collections on project create by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/339
* upgrade qdrant to 1.13 by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/338
* disable chunking spans by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/340
* filter out eval traces in the traces page by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/342
* feat: change FE port to 5667 by olzhik11 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/346
* feat: add clickhouse to docker files, remove feature flags for clickhouse LAM-405 by olzhik11 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/332

New Contributors
* eltociear made their first contribution in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/320
* olzhik11 made their first contribution in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/346

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/compare/v0.1.3-alpha.4...v0.1.3-alpha.5


What's Changed
* added datapoint count on dataset table by devansh-m12 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/288
* truncate data in datapoints and eval-datapoints by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/293
* fix API query datapoints does not truncate by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/295
* remove routes and components related to endpoints by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/297
* check the index and retrieve checkbox in readme by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/299
* remove endpoints and update readme by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/304
* Machine by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/292
* Upload PDF attachments to S3 as well by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/298
* fix: double conversion to date caused invalid date by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/308
* Dataset pagination by devansh-m12 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/307
* expect Authorization header as well by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/309
* api for uploading spans by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/302
* fix double conversion date in chart tooltip too by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/311
* Collapsable trace tree by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/312
* Add ability to rename projects by nidhi-wa in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/306
* Custom-formatter by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/305

New Contributors
* nidhi-wa made their first contribution in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/306

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/compare/v0.1.3-alpha.3...v0.1.3-alpha.4


What's Changed
* fix dot after association properties by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/290
* add prompt as input to the span around generateText by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/289

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/compare/v0.1.3-alpha.2...v0.1.3-alpha.3


What's Changed
* blog on labeling queues by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/265
* make lq columns and evals page panels resizable by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/266
* fix python online evals by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/267
* Refactor datatable component to include filter clearing functionality by devansh-m12 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/270
* Refactor download route to support multiple file formats by devansh-m12 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/272
* Blog by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/271
* frontend: expandable sidebar by adilb99 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/273
* actions: frontend build check on PR commits by adilb99 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/275
* fixed ui bugs by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/280
* increase payload limit for api /v1 to 200MB by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/283
* fix some of the easier to fix dependabot alerts by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/284
* add AI SDK metadata to the trace level by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/277
* increase grpc payload limit and JSON payload limit by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/285
* add prices for newer 4o models by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/286

New Contributors
* devansh-m12 made their first contribution in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/270
* adilb99 made their first contribution in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/273

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/compare/v0.1.3-alpha.1...v0.1.3-alpha.2

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