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What's Changed
* blog on labeling queues by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/265
* make lq columns and evals page panels resizable by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/266
* fix python online evals by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/267
* Refactor datatable component to include filter clearing functionality by devansh-m12 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/270
* Refactor download route to support multiple file formats by devansh-m12 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/272
* Blog by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/271
* frontend: expandable sidebar by adilb99 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/273
* actions: frontend build check on PR commits by adilb99 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/275
* fixed ui bugs by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/280
* increase payload limit for api /v1 to 200MB by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/283
* fix some of the easier to fix dependabot alerts by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/284
* add AI SDK metadata to the trace level by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/277
* increase grpc payload limit and JSON payload limit by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/285
* add prices for newer 4o models by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/286

New Contributors
* devansh-m12 made their first contribution in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/270
* adilb99 made their first contribution in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/273

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/compare/v0.1.3-alpha.1...v0.1.3-alpha.2


What's Changed
* Landing by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/260
* fully remove old events and rename table for now by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/261
* save events in a new lightweight table, display as yaml by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/262
* remove old events tables, i.e. old_events and templates by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/263

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/compare/v0.1.3-alpha.0...v0.1.3-alpha.1


What's Changed
* add syntax highlighter to blog by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/248
* make target optional in evals (default to json null) by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/249
* do not limit eval time progression graph to 7d by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/250
* fix evaluation scores graph by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/252
* add blog on evals by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/254
* add bedrock anthropic prices as anthropic by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/255
* skip saving traces when specified so with attributes by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/256
* blog on semantic search API by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/257
* add keyword search into span view by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/258

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/compare/v0.1.2...v0.1.3-alpha.0


What's Changed
* redirect to onboarding if no workspaces yet by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/118
* Stars by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/119
* store evals in flattened table by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/120
* remove query macro to fix build by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/121
* move project filter in evals page to fix placeholder by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/122
* update react-email dep to fix dependabot alert about next 14.2.9 by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/123
* Fix typo in README by timvisee in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/124
* Improve onboarding, fix eval page placeholder by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/126
* upgrade next-auth to fix dependabot alert by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/131
* Fix/improve-responsiveness-projectCards by lucky29-git in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/132
* Replaced all Loader to Loader2 by lucky29-git in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/133
* explicit mapping in labels by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/135
* Copy by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/136
* extract copy to clipboard button to a reusable component by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/138
* Explicit mapping in labels + frontend improvements by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/137
* lift the restriction on data and target to be json objects by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/142
* fix docs URL in dashboard headers by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/143
* upload images on consumer side of rabbitmq by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/146
* remove traceloop attributes by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/147
* [1/3] record project_id in spans table by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/148
* query all spans with project_id by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/149
* add migrations for the updated spans table with project id by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/152
* overwrite span id when attribute set, query unique traces by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/155
* Feat/human-evals by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/157
* fixed path by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/158
* fixed add label by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/159
* delete label class in queue by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/161
* batch insert labeling q items, ignore non-existent qs by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/162
* Fix/online-evals by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/164
* insert human eval scores to clickhouse by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/163
* Labeling queues by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/165
* [beta] add button for csv export from evals by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/166
* small redesign of labeling queue by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/167
* allow downloading datasets as JSON, minor refactor by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/168
* allow purchasing additional seats in workspace by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/169
* exports by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/170
* parse litellm attributes by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/171
* parse litellm attributes (171) by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/172
* add claude-3-5-haiku to pipeline and prices by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/174
* add claude-3-5-haiku to pipeline and prices (174) by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/175
* fix evaluations query to write the label to the correct evaluation by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/176
* fix evaluations query in labeling queue (176) by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/177
* added backlink to dataset in spans by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/178
* added project auth to middleware by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/181
* don't join spans on count traces query by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/182
* return true on the backend for any traces in project by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/183
* Middleware auth, traces page efficiency by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/184
* fixed post requests by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/185
* temporarily rename the CH table to old_evaluation_results by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/187
* improved ui for workspaces by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/188
* query table evaluation_results with timestamp by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/189
* update evaluation table schema by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/190
* Migrate get evaluations query to Drizzle on API Frontend by haikalvidya in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/160
* improve UI for workspaces + internal fixes by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/193
* Fix/span type filter by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/195
* v0: write association props .label. as labels by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/196
* Store label values sent from association properties by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/198
* fix the manual add datapoint dialog by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/199
* refac: Migrate all datasets db operation to drizzle on NextJs by alviskalev in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/197
* added reasoning to labeling queues by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/200
* playgrounds v0 by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/201
* fixed middleware path by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/203
* write labels to clickhouse by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/204
* delete unused columns from schemas and code to delete from DB by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/205
* Playgrounds v0 by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/206
* fix python online eval by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/207
* Invite by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/209
* fix page number updated to 0 when changing filter and updated custom … by sarthakvijayvargiya in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/208
* eval time progression by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/210
* fix by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/211
* disable all clickhouse queries for non-full builds by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/213
* update models in pipeline templates to 4o family by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/215
* fixed realtime by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/217
* drop unused columns on traces, write metadata to jsonb by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/218
* update deps and remove unused ones by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/219
* write manual inputs and outputs on LLM spans by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/220
* Fix realtime and manual spans by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/221
* treat more spans as llm spans by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/222
* Filter by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/223
* Lq by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/224
* update readme by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/226
* Labeling queues by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/227
* add filters by labels in trace views by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/228
* remove public pipeline routes (unused) by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/229
* remove unused imports, sort imports naively by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/230
* Feat/model-dashboards by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/232
* updated docs by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/234
* fix by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/236
* fix ace is not defined error by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/237
* fix: response model would overwrite request model by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/238
* allow indexing datasets, expose semantic search as API by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/240
* minor fixes to react render by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/241
* fetch dataset optionally from db to handle gracefully by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/242
* Link labels and evals with a new column by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/243
* add first blog post by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/244

New Contributors
* timvisee made their first contribution in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/124
* lucky29-git made their first contribution in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/132
* haikalvidya made their first contribution in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/160
* alviskalev made their first contribution in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/197
* sarthakvijayvargiya made their first contribution in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/208

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/compare/v0.1.1...v0.1.2


What's Changed
* update models in pipeline templates to 4o family by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/215
* fixed realtime by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/217
* drop unused columns on traces, write metadata to jsonb by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/218
* update deps and remove unused ones by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/219
* write manual inputs and outputs on LLM spans by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/220

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/compare/v0.1.2-alpha.5...v0.1.2-alpha.6


What's Changed
* fix python online eval by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/207
* Invite by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/209
* fix page number updated to 0 when changing filter and updated custom … by sarthakvijayvargiya in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/208
* eval time progression by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/210
* fix by skull8888888 in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/211
* disable all clickhouse queries for non-full builds by dinmukhamedm in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/213

New Contributors
* sarthakvijayvargiya made their first contribution in https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/pull/208

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/lmnr-ai/lmnr/compare/v0.1.2-alpha.4...v0.1.2-alpha.5

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