- On linux, all threads will set their process names so you can identify
threads in tools like top(1).
- Java 5 is no longer supported (You must use Java 6 or newer).
- Windows line terminators (CRLF) are now accepted in config files.
- All AWS-related plugins now have the same configuration options:
region, access_key_id, secret_access_key, use_ssl, and
aws_credentials_file. Affected plugins: cloudwatch output,
sns output, sqs output, sqs input. (LOGSTASH-805)
- Lots of documentation fixes (James Turnbull, et al)
- The amqp plugins are now named 'rabbitmq' because it *only* works
with rabbitmq. The old 'amqp' name should still work, but it will
be removed soon while 'rabbitmq' will stay. (Patches by Michael Zaccari)
- New flag '--configtest' to test config and exit. (Patch by Darren Patterson)
- Improved error feedback logstash gives to you as a user.
- new: elasticsearch: this input allows you to stream search results from
elasticsearch; it uses the Scroll API.
- new: websocket. Currently supports acting as a websocket client.
- new: snmptrap, to receive SNMP traps (patch by Paul Czar)
- new: varnishlog input to read from the Varnish Cache server's shared memory
log (LOGSTASH-978, 422; Louis Zuckerman)
- new: graphite input. Supports the plain text carbon tcp protocol.
- new: imap input. Read mail!
- feature: twitter: supports http proxying now (276, patch by Richard
- feature: loggly: supports http proxying now (276, patch by Richard
- feature: tcp: ssl now supported! (318, patch by Matthew Richardson)
- feature: redis: now supports 'batch_count' option for doing bulk fetches
from redis lists. Requires Redis 2.6.0 or higher. (320, patch by Piavlo)
- feature: irc: will use ssl if you set 'secure' (393, patch by Tomas Doran)
- bugfix: log4j: respect add_fields (LOGSTASH-904, 358)
- bugfix: eventlog: input should now work
- bugfix: irc: passwords now work (412, Nick Ethier)
- new: useragent: parses user agent strings in to structured data based on
BrowserScope data (347, patch by Dan Everton)
- new: sleep: sleeps a given amount of time before passing the event.
Useful for rate limiting or replay simulation.
- new: ruby: experimental ruby plugin that lets you call custom ruby code
on every event.
- new: translate: for mapping values (335, patch by Paul Czar)
- new: clone: creates a copy of the event.
- feature: grok: Adds tag_on_failure setting so you can prevent grok from
tagging events on failure. (328, patch by Neil Prosser)
- deprecated: grok: deprecated the --grok-patterns-path flag (LOGSTASH-803)
- feature: date: nested field access is allowed now
- feature: csv, xml, kv, json, geoip: new common settings!
(LOGSTASH-756, 310, 311, 312, 383, 396; patches by Richard Pijnenburg)
source - what field the text comes from
target - where to store the parse result.
- feature: csv: new setting: columns - labels for each column parsed.
- bugfix: geoip: The built-in geoip database should work now (326, patch
by Vincent Batts)
- bugfix: kv filter now respects add_tag, etc (LOGSTASH-935)
- new: hipchat output (428, Cameron Stokes)
- bugfix: mongo would fail to load bson_java support (LOGSTASH-849)
- bugfix: tags support to gelf output. Returns tags as _tags field
(LOGSTASH-880, patch by James Turnbull)
- bugfix: elasticsearch: Fix a race condition. (340, patch by Raymond Feng)
- improvement: http: now supports a custom 'message' format for building your
own http bodies from an event. (319, patch by Christian S)
- bugfix: Fix opentsdb output (LOGSTASH-689, 317; patch by Emmet Murphy)
- improvement: http output now supports a custom message format with
the 'message' setting (Patch by Christian Schröder)
- graphite output now lets you ship the whole (or part) of an event's fields
to graphite as metric updates. (350, patch by Piavlo)
- email output now correctly defaults to not using authentication
(LOGSTASH-559, 365; patch by Stian Mathiassen)
- bugfix: file output now works correctly on fifos
- bugfix: irc passwords now work (412, Nick Ethier)
- improvement: redis output now supports congestion detection. If
it appears nothing is consuming from redis, the output will stall
until that problem is resolved. This helps prevent a dead reader
from letting redis fill up memory. (Piavlo)
- feature: boundary: New 'auto' setting. (413, Alden Jole)